~Forty-Four: Visit~

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Stephen darted in Peter's room back at the Avenger's Tower, immediately heading towards the dresser. He scrambled to find the tape, and his heart rate immediately increased when he couldn't find it. He didn't even see the one that held the explosion of the HYDRA facility eight years ago, and that's when he began to get truly nervous.

"Looking for these?"

Stephen spun around on his heel, surprised to find not Tony, but Steve standing before him, one VHS tape in each of his hands. Stephen let out a quiet sigh.


"How long have you known?"

Stephen could only presume he was asking about the HYDRA tape.

"Two days. I saw her in the coffee shop, when she took Peter."

"Who else knows?"

"Me, Loki, Peter, and Tony."

"Not Bucky?"

Stephen once again sighed, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Steve asked, and Stephen could hear the rage in his voice as he stepped forward.

"Because we are going to fix her first."

Steve quirked an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side.

"Steve, she doesn't remember any of us."

{ * * * * * }

"So, what do you think?"

"I... I'm speechless. This is beautiful."

Thor chuckled, opening a pack of Poptarts as the two men walked down the Bifrost. Bucky was in awe; his eyes were darting all across the city, from the rainbow road, to the palace, and even the streets and townhouses of the village amazed him.

"Come, follow me. Adria's house is just around the corner," Thor said, finally walking off the long, gleaming road. Bucky almost tripped, having been looking up at the palace, but quickly followed Thor off the bridge.

They bounded down a set of stairs into the village, and Thor walked ahead of Bucky by several strides.

"I believe this is it," he said, suddenly stopping in front of a small, cozy townhouse. He knocked three times on the door just as Bucky was walking up beside him.

Mere moments later, a brown-haired woman with beautiful, sparkling eyes answered the door. Her eyes seemed to gleam even more when she saw the tall, blonde-haired God standing at her door.

"Thor, what a pleasure it is to see you!" she exclaimed, smiling.

"And you as well, Adria. 'Tis been too long."

"Truly... who have you brought with you?" she asked, looking to Bucky and sizing him up.

"Oh, this is my friend, the Soldie-..."

"Hi, ma'am, I'm Bucky," he quickly interrupted, extending her hand to him.

"A pleasure to meet you, Bucky. What a unique name you have," she said, smiling at him.

Bucky chuckled, an unintentional smile spreading across his face.

"So, what brings you here? You know, your brother, Loki, came here a few hours ago, he-..."

"That's actually what we're here about, miss. We were just wondering why he came by, if there was anyone with him?"

"Oh, well, yes, actually. He came to me with a very peculiar case. It was a young girl, early twenties, I would say. He told me a story of how she was believed to be dead for about eight years, up until recently, of course, and now they've found her, and she doesn't remember anyone. I attempted to help, but it was as if her memories had been strategically ripped out of her, as if they only tore out certain ones. I had never seen anything like it, there was nothing I could do."

The story seemed all too familiar for Bucky, and he felt the color draining from his face. He felt as if he was going to pass out, and gingerly leaned against the doorframe to keep himself standing.

"What, um... what was her name, do you know?"

"Oh, yes. It was, um.... Lizzie, I believe. She seemed to be a very nice girl, I really do hope that someone can be of assistance t-..."

Before Adria could even finish her statement, the Winter Soldier had passed out on the streets of Asgard.

{ * * * * * }

"Lizzie, this is Steve. You two were... quite close."

Lizzie looked uneasily at the man before her, who seemed completely shellshocked. He gave her a saddened smile, knowing by the way she was looking at him that not one part of her was able to recognize him.

Lizzie felt a pang of guilt surge through her. She wanted to remember, she truly did, but she just couldn't, and she saw the way that was affecting the people who obviously cared about her. She looked away from the man's harsh gaze and gave a quiet sigh.

"I'm sorry I can't remember you," she said to him. "I'm sorry I can't remember any of you."

Both of the men were taken aback, and Steve shook his head at her.

"Hey," he said, attempting to find her eyes.

At his word, she looked up at him.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for. We're going to get this figured out."

She had an urge to smile, but she couldn't find it in her to follow through with the action. 

Just then, Loki bounded into the room, practically skidding into the wall. 

"Tony's just called. Tonight, we're all flying out to-.... Oh, hi, Steve... anyway, tonight we're-.... Steve?!"

"No, it's fine. He knows," Stephen said, seeing Loki gain a panicked expression. He exhaled a heavy breath.

"Alright then. Anyway, Tony said we can use one of his planes to travel to a friend of his in a place called Wakanda. He says that they were able to erase the trigger words from Bucky's mind, so they should be able to help Lizzie."

"Oh, well that's great. But, you seem distraught. Are you alright?"

"Um... I've got more news."

"And that is?"

"... I've just got word from Adria; Thor and James have paid her a visit."

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