~Fifty: Wakanda~

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"Hey, guys, wake up. We're almost there."

Lizzie stirred awake in her seat, letting out a small groan as she sat up. Her eyes immediately drifted to the window, and she saw that the sun's rays were now beaming through the glass. Below them was merely grass, and the occasional buffalo would stomp across the ground. There didn't seem to be any buildings, or signs of human life, in sight.

"Where are we going, again?" Lizzie asked, standing up next to Steve, who had just woken them.

"Wakanda. It's a bit of a... strange entry. Just watch," Steve said, pointing towards the window.

Lizzie's eyes darted to the window, and she saw Peter's follow. The two watched the outside world drift by as they flew, and suddenly, everything changed.

Grass was replaced with cement, clouds were replaced with skyscrapers, and buffalo were replaced with specks of people roaming the streets.

"Wow," Lizzie said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah. The place is protected by a type of border, so no one can attempt to steal their most prized procession; Vibranium."

Lizzie gave a curt nod, leaning towards the window with upmost interest. She was so curious that she didn't notice Peter coming to look as well, and the two bumped heads.

"Ow," Lizzie said, clutching her head as she let out a quiet laugh. The sound was foreign to her, and to Peter as well. A smile played on his lips when he heard the laugh, and he saw one appear on Lizzie's face, too.

"Well, I better go round everyone up. We have a king to meet," Steve said, a smirk tugging at his features.

{ * * * * * }

"Captain Rogers, welcome once again to Wakanda."

The thick accent that overtook the King's voice was smooth, and sent a certain wave of calmness through Lizzie's body. His eyes drifted to her, and she wondered if she should bow.

"I suppose, you must be the one who they speak of: Lizzie Barnes."

She gave him a solemn nod. "Yes, that's me."

Kind T'Challa extended his hand, and Lizzie took it, expecting a hand shake. Instead, he brought her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss upon it.

"We will do our best to assist you, Miss Barnes. Please, follow me to our lab."

Before walking away, he turned to face Bucky, who was staring silently at the ground. "Mister Barnes, for now, I am going to allow my sister Shuri to evaluate her. You may come if you wish, but otherwise I will request the rest of you to go with Okoye, and she will provide you with temporary living quarters."

Lizzie's heart cracked in the slightest when she saw Bucky shake his head, his hair dangling below his shoulders. "No, thanks," he muttered, taking a shy step backwards.

He wanted desperately to be beside his daughter, to go with her, but he knew he couldn't handle it. He could no longer take the pain. It had finally become too much for even himself to bear. 

"Stephen, will you go with her?" Steve asked, placing a comforting hand on Bucky's shoulder. Stephen gave a quick nod.

"Of course."

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