~Twenty-Five: Mistake~

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"You don't want to do this."

"You don't know what I want."

"I know more than you think," said Loki, stepping forward.

Lizzie's eyes were downcast at her dresser, reading once again the note that she had found resting upon her bed after her shower.

Surrender yourself to us in twelve hours time, or Stephen Strange will die.
846 Newman Street.

According to Loki, HYDRA had taken Stephen while he was sleeping in Kamar Taj. He would've come sooner, but he had attempted to save Stephen himself, only there were too many agents for him to defeat alone.

"I believe it's a trick. Why would they kill Stephen after all the trouble they went through to get him?"

"They don't want Stephen. They want me. They only used him as a bargaining chip."

"You don't know that."

"So? It seems as good of a guess as any. And, since when do you care about me? Last time I checked, you were only doing this because you were offered a reward."

Loki let out a sigh, and threw his hands up in defense. "I lied."

Lizzie turned and gave him a questioning look.

"Stephen offered me nothing to watch over you. I did it willingly."

"Why? You're a prideful, egotistical God. Why would you burden yourself with a mortal's petty issues?" She asked sardonically.

"Because I know what they do. My brother, many years ago, was taken by HYDRA. I haven't seen him since. But, alliances of mine told me that he now works for them as an assassin and undergoes brainwashing, much like James did. My brother and I had a very... difficult relationship. I was envious, selfish. I did things in spite of myself, not considering what suffering it caused him. But, he was, and still is, my brother. And, knowing now that he hardly remembers me... it tears you apart. I would not wish that upon anyone. That's why I am willingly helping you."

Lizzie stared at him, contemplating, for a moment. She let out a sigh.

"I didn't know you had a heart."

Loki let out a lifeless chuckle. "It's unused and minuscule, but it is there."

"I'm sorry about your brother."

"Yes. As am I."

It went silent for a minute, both the people in the room not quite sure of what to say.

"You know what HYDRA does to people. I know what HYDRA does to people... don't let your anger blind you from what's real. I've made that mistake far too many times, and none of the outcomes have been what I intended."

"If you saw the fight, I'm not doing it because of that. Stephen has saved me... a thousand times. What kind of person would I be if I had the opportunity and power to save him, but I didn't? I owe him."

Loki sighed, nodding his head. "Your mind is made up then? There's no way that I can persuade you otherwise?"

"You know I don't plan on staying there, right? As soon as I get Stephen, I'm getting the hell out of there."

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