~Fourteen: Memory~

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"Ah! Home. Sweet. Home."

Tony plopped his bag down on the floor, letting out a sigh. "I need a nap. A very long nap."

"Tell me about it," Sam said, collapsing into one of the arm chairs.

"Nope, no relaxing yet. We unpack, then we relax. Come on," Natasha said, dragging Sam on it of the chair. Sam let out a groan as he stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, heading to his room.

Everyone else did the same, although reluctantly.

Lizzie sauntered up the stairs, her suitcase bumping along behind her. She let out a small groan as she rolled the suitcase up the final step. She dragged it behind her towards her room, almost jogging due to the desire of wanting to finish unpacking so she could rest.

She went into her room and shut the door, but before she could even turn around, a voice started her.

"HYDRA is becoming more advanced, making tactical plans."

She jumps, spinning on her heels to find Stephen Strange sitting on her bed, hands folded behind him.

"Well, hello," Lizzie said, looking around with uncertainty. "Most people would find it very weird to find an old man in a little girl's bedroom."

"Well, first of all, I'm 35-..."

"Like I said, old."

Stephen let out a sigh. "And second of all, we aren't most people."

"You figure out that one by yourself?"

"What's your problem?" Stephen asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I got four hours of sleep, had to be trapped in a car with way too much testosterone, and am in desperate need of a nap. What do you want?"

"I've come to tell you that HYDRA is on a relentless search for you. You must be careful of every move you make, everywhere you go. While you're here at the tower, you're safe. But anywhere else... you're at a huge risk."

Lizzie let out a sigh, pondering.

"Maybe we should tell them," she said.

"No. That is not a good idea," Stephen quickly said, shaking his head.

"Um... why not?" Lizzie said, sass etched into her voice.

"You're too young to understand."

"Do you really believe that Stephen? Do you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Stephen sighed. "No, not really."

"Alright," Lizzie said, sitting next to him on the bed. "Something's wrong besides this HYDRA thing. Spill, Mister."



"Doctor. Not Mister."

"Okay, geez. Sorry. Spill it, Doctor."

"It's not a good idea to tell them about HYDRA, because then you would have to tell them about me."

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