~Thirty: Pain~

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Bucky's vision began to grow cloudy, and colors of the green grass began to blend with that of the blue sky. He felt himself stagger, and immediately attempted to stand upright and still. Black spots flooded to his eyes like ink from a dripping pen.


He collided with the rough ground in a heap, and the whole world, the explosions of battle, the concerned face of his daughter, faded to darkness.

Lizzie knelt down by her unconscious father's side, watching helplessly as blood rushed from his chest and formed a puddle on the red-stained grass.

"STEVE!" she yelled, looking across the battleground to him with eyes that were sprouting fresh tears. Thankfully, the soldier heard her over the gunfire, and glanced in her direction. His eyes grew as he took a second glance at the scene, and let out a gasp between pants from the stress of battle.

He rushed over, setting his shield down next to as he sunk to his knees. His icy eyes scanned his best friend with extreme worry, like a mother looking at her injured child.

"Come on, we have to get him back to the quinjet," he said eventually as the shock wore off, putting a hand under Bucky and beginning to carefully lift him.

"I-I can't. Stephen's still inside, we kept him in a safe room to make sure he wouldn't get hurt any worse... I-I've got to go get him," she stammered, bringing herself into a standing position.

"You are not going alone," Steve said fiercely.

"The only way I can go is alone. I can sneak him out easier that way. It'll take me two minutes, and I'm not leaving him."

Steve gave a grunt as he stood up, Bucky lying limp in his arms like a cotton doll.

Steve looked at Lizzie with pain-stricken eyes, and huffed a sigh.

"You get him and come straight back to the jet. Don't you dare get yourself hurt. We just got you back, we aren't about to lose you again. I'm not."

Lizzie's face fell, and she stepped up to Steve, placing a hand on the back of his head. She brought it down closer to her, and placed a short kiss on his forehead.

"You won't lose me again," she told him adamantly, nodding. Steve forced a small smile of confidence towards the girl and drew in a shaky breath.

Her lips moved upward in an almost undetectable smile as she gave him one final nod. With that, she let herself become invisible, and dashed off towards the facility.

She quickly jumped into the air, and hovered above the battlefield, looking down upon the blur of soaring bullets and falling of men's bodies to the ground.

She turned averted her eyes from it and soared through the entryway to the facility, where, oddly, everything seemed calm, exceptionally more so than it was outside. She bolted towards the room where they had safely left their unconscious companion.

Once there, she used her magic to unlock the door from the inside, and swung it open. She hovered inside, her eyes darting furiously across the room for the injured doctor. She had to scan the room twice before she eventually saw the door to what seemed to be a supply closet gently cracked open, and the dark outline of a foot could be seen from the inside.

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