~Fifty-Four: Search~

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"Alright, the question of the hour... where do you store memories in a secret government facility?"

"Somewhere they can't be found," T'Challa answered the question, his voice quietly muffled by his suit. 

"And where would that be?" Thor questioned, quirking an eyebrow as the men formulated a plan in an empty room of the HYDRA facility.

"We'll just have to sneak around and see what we can find. We've got nothing to go on so far."

"I wouldn't say that." 

T'Challa stalked over to the back wall, obviously curious about something. Steve took a step closer, narrowing his eyes. 

The king walked over to a specific brick in the wall, cocking his head to the side. He placed both his hands on either side of the brick, and gently tugged at it. It easily moved out of place, and soon he had the brick in his hands. 

As soon as the brick was removed, a loud rumbling noise came from the walls, and the bricks all began to shift in place. T'Challa stepped back cautiously, beckoning his comrades to do the same. 

The rumbling increased, and dust began falling from the ceiling above. "Cover your head!" the King screamed. He threw his hands up into the air, securely protecting his head. 

Steve thrust his shield up above him, stepping closer to Thor so he was protected as well. After a minute, the rumbling calmed itself, and the room fell eerily silent. 

T'Challa was the first to peek out from behind his hands, and when he did, his mouth went slightly agape. 

Where he had pulled the brick from was now a hollow hole, almost like a hallway, practically ensnared with dust and rubble. He could see the outline of a pathway in the distance, but the dust was nearly blinding. 

"A secret passageway; it must not have been used for a while, judging the by the dust," the king explained, fighting back a wave of coughing. 

"Yeah... it has to be something," Steve said, letting out a harsh sneeze.

"I agree. Let us investigate."

"And quickly. With that much noise, there is no doubt that by now, our presence is surely known," T'Challa added. 

With those words, the king began striding into the unknown tunnel, his teammates following close behind.

{ * * * * * }

"I told you it was a horrid idea."

"I tired to warn you."

"Even though I can't remember, I would say that wasn't one of your wisest, decisions, Stephen."

"Can everyone shut up, please? We have larger problems than blame," Stephen said as the four of them paced down the streets of Wakanda.

Promptly after telling Bucky that Tony had figured out the events of December 16, 1991, he had fled the building faster than light, and no one had seen him since.

"That is correct. An angry, unstable Tony Stark will be here within minutes and the one man he wants to obliterate from the face of the planet is nowhere to be found."

What Matters {B.Barnes Daughter} ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें