~Twelve: Doctor-Man~

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Lizzie felt a cold hand grasp hers and begin guiding her through the darkness.

"Don't let go of my hand," the man's voice warned. Lizzie couldn't see a thing, so she had no choice but to trust the man she had just met two minutes ago.

From behind her, she began to hear frustrated yells from other people.

"They're getting away!"

"Stop them!"

"Get the girl!"

Suddenly, Lizzie found her feet carrying her up stairs, the man's hand still guiding her. Relief flooded through her when she saw the twinkling stars and beaming moon above her. But, that meant everyone else could now see them.

The man rushed over to the side of the boat and shot his hand up, sending a flare of green rocketing into the night sky.

People were furiously running at them, and the man cursed. "Any minute now!" He yelled, and suddenly, a knife appeared in the sleeve of his jacket.

He brought it into his hand and began to hold off all three people who were coming towards them at once. Lizzie cowered against the edge of the boat, trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Come on!" the man yelled in frustration, still angrily fighting the guards.

Then, Lizzie heard a strange sizzling sound beneath her, and looked down in panic. Below her was an orange ring of what looked like sparkles, and soon, she felt herself falling through it. She attempted to scream, but before any sounds could escape her mouth, she collided against hard ground.

"Couldn't have made the landing any softer?" she heard a male's voice ask. It was the same man who had saved her (or kidnapped her, she hadn't really made that decision yet). He was lying on the ground beside her, looking up. Lizzie followed his gaze, and squinted when she saw the outline of a tall, lanky figure standing in front of her.

He stepped forward, and with the light of the moon, Lizzie was able to see his facial features. She gasped, and her face lit up with delight.

"It's you!" she cried, scrambling up from the ground and rushing over to him. She hugged his leg and laughed, looking up at him.

"Wait," the man said, standing up. "You know her?"

"In a way," the other answered, smoothing the girl's hair.

"This is the doctor-man," Lizzie laughed, looking over at the black-haired man. The doctor-man laughed.

"Actually, my real name is Doctor Stephen Strange, but I suppose I never told you that," Stephen said, smiling down at Lizzie.

"Wait," she said, pulling apart from Stephen. "Where's Peter?"

"Oh, yeah, right," Stephen said, putting his hands up and maneuvering his fingers in a strange motion. Soon, a portal appeared in the sky from out of nowhere, and Peter came falling through it, screaming.

He hit the ground with a thud, and gasped in surprise. Relief flooded across his face when he saw Lizzie there, safe and sound.

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