~Forty-Seven: Desolate~

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"Okay, so, I just press this button here?"


"Okay... oh. What did I just do?"

Lizzie sighed. "Steve, come on. Can I go back to bed now? We've been at this for an hour."

"No, wait, I've almost got it, I promise."

"You said that forty-five minutes ago."

Steve gave the girl a glare, holding the television remote firmly in between both his hands. Tony had just installed a new television system, which, to everyone else was easy to navigate, but to Steve it was like reading a foreign language.

"I still can't believe you dragged me out of bed at three in the morning so I could teach you how to work the television."

"Sorry. I made a bet with Tony."

"Of course you did..." Lizzie murmured.

"Okay, back to it... so, this button..."

"I still don't understand why Sam couldn't have taught you how to do this."

"Because last time with the thermostat, he made up a ridiculous song and treated me like a child."

"Oh, yeah! 'The snowflake button makes it cold, cold, cold, set temperature makes it hold, hold, hold, the little flame makes it hot, hot, hot, and I bet that was easier than you thought, thought, thought'."

"Hahaha, very funny," Steve said sardonically, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, let me see here... 'the big red button means off, off, off-..."

"Don't even start," Steve said, chuckling. "Okay, so this button, what does it do?"

"You press it and it shows you a list of channels and TV shows that they're currently playing."

Steve quirked an eyebrow, looking up to the television as he pressed the button on the remote labelled as "guide".

"Good job. Now you can see what's on the news channel at four in the morning," Lizzie said sarcastically, letting out a loud yawn. "Oh, and you can channel surf by flicking this little switch up or down."

Steve followed her instructions, flicking through the guide and seeming slightly impressed with himself.

"Whoa, whoa, hold it!" Lizzie exclaimed, pushing her hand out in front of her. "That's 'The Andy Griffith Show!' It's amazing, even though it aired in like the fifties and sixties. Come on, let's watch an episode!"

Steve gave a sigh, and selected on The Andy Griffith Show. "Fine."

"Are you messing with me, Liz?" he asked when he saw that it was in black and white.

"No! It's a really great show, just watch. I've seen this episode before; it's funny."

"Alright," Steve said skeptically, turning his attention back to the television.

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