BSM - Groove

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This was requested by @Sharz_PunkRock

Basically you're 14 and you wow the boys with your hip hop skillz (I guess Michael's like 16 and Luke is like 15)

"What?! Mooooom," Michael looked over at you with distaste, "why do we have to bring her?"

"Geez love you too," you rolled your eyes and tried not to look offended. You didn't really want to see whatever this dumb horror movie was that Michael and his friends were going to, but your dance studio was located in the same mall as the theater, so it would be great to get a ride to class instead of walk half an hour.

You'd have to ditch Michael though, it shouldn't be too hard, he didn't want you to come. You'd just make an excuse, slip off, and head to class while they watched the movie, then catch a ride home. You hadn't told Michael about your dancing, it was more of a "you" thing. Nobody knew about your dancing, not even your parents, who paid your allowance that paid for your hip hop classes. You were pretty good if you did say so yourself.

"You have to take her because I don't want her to stay home alone all afternoon, you know the rule," your mother was unapologetic, and Michael knew the only way he was seeing that movie was if he took you along.

You hid your delighted smile behind a neutral expression as he groaned loudly, "fiiiiine we'll take her. Not my fault if she gets nightmares though."

You scoffed. Michael was so dramatic sometimes.


"LET'S GO DWEEB! ASHTON IS HERE!" Michael pounded on your bedroom door as you packed your dance gear into your backpack.

"ONE SECOND!" You screamed back as you grabbed your last item, your phone, and then zipped it up.

With your backpack over your shoulder, you opened the door to reveal your annoyed brother. He had been moping all day about having to bring you along. "What's in the bag?" His eyes narrowed.

"Snacks and stuff," you shrugged and brushed past him.

Michael harrumphed and ran forward so he could reach the front door first. You let him go without comment, watching as he ran first to the car in the driveway. All of his friends inside greeted him with smiles and teasing shoves as he settled himself on one of the backseats. You got no warm welcome, just some stares and a mumbled "Y/N," from Ashton. They weren't happy to see you.

You nodded at him and took your space between your brother and his friend Calum in the back. You settled your backpack on the floor between your legs, and as soon as you were buckled in, Ashton pulled out of the driveway.

"You know they won't let you bring that into the theater right?" Luke said with a rather impassive tone. This was your chance.

"Yeah, about that," you took a deep breath, "since you guys clearly don't want me to come along and I'm not interested in this movie anyway, how about I just go hang out somewhere else in the mall and you can call me when the movie is over and Mum will be none the wiser?" You watched as the boys exchanged glances. There were a lot of subtle nods before Michael looked down at you.

"Deal," he raised an eyebrow, "if you tell me what's actually in the bag."

You looked back at your backpack. "Nothing really, just stuff in case I need them." You were intentionally vague, hoping that they didn't press you any further. Luckily, Michael wasn't actually all that interested in what you were doing, so he just shrugged it off and started talking to Calum as if you weren't right there.

When you got to the mall, you took a hard left, making a beeline to your studio so you wouldn't be late.


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