What Happens Next?

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Chapter 25

"We have things we have to figure out such as what to do with the apartment and the coffee shop, and mom's car and where I'm going to live while I'm still in school. It's all a little overwhelming right now." I said. "That's why they have lawyers Laura your mom should have a will; I'll call the family lawyer in the morning to make an appointment to go over things." My Aunt Shelia had said. "Now go pack a bag you'll stay with me until we figure things out, ill clean up the dinner dishes." My aunt Shelia had said, we were so drained after this long day we had that we just went back to the apartment and made spaghetti for dinner. So I went and packed a few things that I needed, such as clothes, my toothbrush, a book to read, etc. A half hour later I was driving behind Aunt Shelia to go back to her house.

"Yay Laura's here." My cousin Claudia had said when Aunt Shelia and I walked in the door. "You want to watch a movie with us?" asked my cousin Timmy. They are twin seven-year-olds with special needs my uncle Brad cheated on my aunt Shelia a year after the twins were born which is why they are now divorced. "I have to get washed up and do some homework then it will be bedtime maybe another time I will watch a movie with you guys ok," I said. "They have to go take their baths and get ready for bed anyway." Abby, their part-time nanny, had said. "Thank you for staying extra tonight Abby, here's a hundred for tonight and well see you tomorrow." "No problem I'm sorry to hear about your sister if there's anything that I can do just let me know." Abby had said. "I will thanks again, hope you have a good night."

"Ok Laura the guest bedroom is the upstairs second door to the right, I will be up in a minute." Aunt Shelia had said. "Ok," I said as I grabbed my bags and headed up the stairs. While I was in taking a shower aunt, Shelia was putting new clean sheets on the bed in the guest room and hooked up the cable box on the television that was in there for me. She had a cup of tea, and a few snickerdoodle cookies sitting on the desk waiting for me, (snickerdoodles are my favorite kind of cookies, and she knows that) "Thank you, aunt, Shelia, I appreciate you doing all this for me." "It's ok honey you'll always have a home here with me." "I'll leave you alone now to get comfortable and do what you have to do, and I will come in to say goodnight in a little while." So I had my tea and cookies while I focused on getting my homework and studying done for tomorrow, luckily it was just medical terminology and statistics homework that I had that was due in the morning. It only took me an hour and a half to complete, then I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed, I fell asleep watching a "Friends" re-run.

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