Staying True To Who I Am

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Chapter 15

I walked into the coffee shop for my afternoon shift that day to find that Kimberly, Maggie, and Sophie were there for their interviews. The way mom had set it up though was as a group interview as opposed to meeting with them individually. Mom took notes on their answers to her questions, and it seems as though they're all taking classes to prepare them to study culinary arts in college and from the information mom gathered she thinks they would be good candidates to work here with us. She does, however, have to get a background check first, and based on that then she could hire them, but then there are orientation and training programs they'd have to do so it could be another few more weeks until they get to start working in the shop. But also mom is still running interviews for morning help both in the shop and in the bakery portion of the job the actual baking of the pastries.

I'm starting to make friends with them through the three of them are in my second study hall, and they even asked me to have lunch with them. But I don't know what to do because I still want to talk and be friendly with Bridget, Heather and Jody I don't like their poor decision making outside of school, but they are still lovely girls, and they befriended me right away. I think another sit-down discussion with mom is in order. Mom likes to have a heart to heart conversations with me; she says it's what keeps me so grounded and level-headed because I listen to her and take her advice on not everything but most things.

A Resilient Heart Continues To BeatUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum