The Approval

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Chapter 9

Before I went to bed that night, I sat up for a few minutes with my mom and told her about the events of the day at school and then about my night at work, building myself up to mention the party at Kyle's house this weekend. "Mom my new friend Bridget, her boyfriend, is having a party at his house on Saturday night I know I have to work but would it be ok if I wanted to make a cameo afterward I would only be an hour or so." "Yeah, I don't see why not. Just do me a favor and use the good judgment you used today if a situation you're not comfortable with happens to arise. You deserve the right to have a life as well I trust you go and have some fun." "Thanks, mom I love you." I said giving her a hug and a kiss, and then said "goodnight" and went to bed.

I did not see Bridget that next day until my third-period class which was statistics. "Hi where have you been I did not see you in homeroom this morning?" I said. "Oh yeah, I was running a little late this morning." Bridget had said. "I talked to my mom last night, and I'm able to go to Kyle's party Saturday night after work," I said. "Oh that's awesome, I can't wait it's going to be so much fun." Bridget had said.

A Resilient Heart Continues To BeatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz