I think I figured it out

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I know i said that last part was the last you'd hear of me on this, but I was reading HP fanfiction that involved Lily Potter's death, and upon reading it, I believe I found out what J.K Rowling was doing when she wrote certain scenes. 

I think somewhere along the line, someone said "there were many who defied Voldemort three times" when explaining the line "born to those who have thrice defied him". That line was talking about Lily, when she defied Voldemort three times begging for Tom to kill her instead of Harry, and Voldemort killed her after she defied THREE TIMES. That line in the prophecy could've applied to either Lily or Alice.

"Born as the seventh month dies" goes to both Harry and Neville. It was Voldemort who chose to go after Harry.p

"Mark him as his equal" stood for the Horcrux in Harry, as well as them having the same wand cores. Tom and Harry were both equal with a part of Voldemort living in Harry.

"The power the Dark Lord knows not" was not love. It was the knowledge Harry later had of him being and UNKNOWN HORCRUX OF VOLDEMORT'S that led him to winning the fight after it was destroyed. If Harry did not have that knowledge on him being a horcrux, Voldemort wouldn't have died in the final battle.

Voldemort could have went away from the entire prophecy had he not gone to the Potter's. Lily wouldn't have defied him three times, and he wouldn't have marked Harry with a horcrux unknowingly. 

J.K Rowling knew what she was doing the entire series starting with Lily and James's deaths. From the "Boy-Who-Lived" Chapter One of "The Sorcerers Stone" to "Nineteen Years Later" of "The Deathly Hallows". She knew every single part of the prophecy and how she wanted it played out, and the cause and effect. Harry Potter happened because she had Voldemort go to the Potter's on October 31st, 1981. Had she wrote that he never went, and never went to the Longbottom's, Voldemort would have stayed in power an extra 13 years and avoided the prophecy.

I don't think that I am 100% right, but please tell me if you agree or disagree.

This might be the absolute last time I post with this story unless I have more Harry Potter theories.

Thank you


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