Chapter 2: Hogwarts

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~Tem Skippy~

*Third Person POV*

Silver, Hailey, and Bella spent the rest of the summer at Potter Manor, instead of going to the Evans house. Silver wanted to give her little sister a scare at the Sorting.

The girls and the Marauders were sitting in the living room.

"So wait, how did you get expelled?" Remus asked.

"Oh yeah, I blew up a tower and turned my Headmistress into a toad, close your mouths boys or you'll catch flies" Silver told them.

The four boys had their mouths open wide. James was the first to recover.

"Thats may best friend!" He yelled and put and arm around her shoulders.

Sirius gasped. "Prongs you hurt me, right here" he said putting his had on the left side of his chest.

"Nitwit it's the other side" Bella said, clearly annoyed at Sirius.

"I knew him first" Silver told Sirius.

"I hate you"

"I hate me too" Silver replied.

"Promise no matter what house were in we'll still be friends" Silver asked.

"Of course"

Euphmia Potter walked in the room.

"Have you all packed, the train leaves tomorrow?" Mia asked.

Suddenly, all seven kids Sonic ran as fast as they could to their rooms.

Remus checking to see if he packed everything and to make sure no one went over board.

Silver, James, Peter (that damn rat),  and Sirius to pack because they left it to last minute.

Bella and Hailey went to sleep because, let's face it, they already did it and are lazy.

-Temmie Skippy-

The Marauders and Le Méfait Trois (French for The Mischief Three) all ran through the barrier in Kings Cross Station, getting to Platform 9 3/4.

The two groups got separated and the girls found The Black Sisters as they're called.

"Watch where you're going!" The one with black hair said.

"Sorry, but this is our first time, my fourth school" Silver said.

"Bella didn't mean it, right Bella" the one with blond hair said.

"We have the  same name, sorta" Isabella said.

"Well what are your names?" 'Bella' asked.

"Hailey Evermist"

"Isabella Goodwin"

"Silver Evans"

"Evans, as in the Gryffindor Lily Evans?" 'Bella' asked.

"She's my annoying twin sister" Silver told them.

"Lets be friends" 'Bella' said to the three girls.

"The what are your names?" Hailey asked.

"Bellatrix Black" 

"Narcissa Black" The blond said.

"Andromeada Black" a third sister said, who had brown hair.

"Then friends it is" Tue six girls all said.

"We must be going now" the sisters said waving goodbye.

-Temmie Skippy (AGAIN)-

*The Sorting*

"We have three new transfers this year, going into Fifth year" Dumbledore said to the Great Hall.

He sat down and McGonnagal called the names.

"Evans, Silver" there were some gasps as Silver strode over to the stool.

The hat was placed on her head.

"Difficult mind, brave, intelligent, loyal, and cunning"

"Hello Mister Hat" Silver said in her head.

"I believe your cunningness outshines everything, but you're Muggleborn, interesting"

"Well I'm related to Rowena Ravenclaw, Salzar Slytherin, Morgana LeFay, and Merlin Ermys, three of which are Slytherin, whilst all are pureblooded"

"Ahhh, I see you made up you're mind then"

 The hat then yelled out for all the hall to hear.



Then, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeada all started clapping while James and Silver smirked.

Their plan was going along perfectly.

"Evermist, Hailey"


Silver clapped as did Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andy.

"Goodwin, Isabella" was finally called.


Bella walked over to the table as the Marauders clapped.

Lily Evans however, was furious at how her sister was at Hogwarts and made friends so quickly with the Black Sisters.

Lily then went to introduce herself to Bella.

"I'm Lily-"

"Evans, I know, you've been a d*ck to my best friend for years. I know who you are inside and out you c*nt" Bella said before going back into conversation with the Marauders.

Meanwhile with Hailey, she sat down by a girl with red hair.

"Amelia Bones, Hufflepuff prefect" the girl said.

"Hailey Evermist"

"Nice to meet ya hope we can be friends" Amelia said.

"Me too"

Over at the Slytherin table Bella, Andy, Cissa, and Silver were in deep conversation when a blond haired boy, black haired boy that looked like Sirius, and a greasy haired boy walked up.

Silver immediately noticed the greasy haired boy.

"'Ello Sev".She said.

"Sup Sil"

"Nutin much"

"Lucious Malfoy" the blonde dude said.

"Regulus Black" the Sirius clone said.

"Silver Evans"

"How are you in Slytherin exactly?" Lucious asked.

"I have three Slytherin ancestors" she answered. As an after though she said, "And I'm gonna call you Lucy" she said.

Lucious looked horrified and the little group burst out laughing.


"Sup Lucy" Silver said, bursting into another round of melodic giggles that the Slytherins would kill to hear the laugh again. The laugh echoed through the hall and everyone became fast I love with the laugh.

Evans' Twin, A Prankster *BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now