Chapter 4: Our Families

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A/N- So I've been thinking about this. If you don't know what OUAT is, it's right now going into its seventh season. I've decided that mingling to have it go with how they have it, so I can get both future and past done in the same chappie. It will go back I'm forth between those.

Thank you for your patience with my stories, I really appreciate it. If now, you are liking this story, I will try to get another Dark!Harry in it, where all the OCs I've made during this story will be in.

I also want to know who to pair Harry with, that isn't Hermione, Ginny, Luna, or Pansy. I have my own plans with them. So far, I was thinking one at the New Black Sisters (Raven and Cassiopeia, Sirius' daughters) or Serenity Riddle.

I also want to know, should Hermione be one of Sirius' missing daughters, Snily's daughter Alex, or Remus' daughter Skylar, and they never knew until almost before school starts.

I want you guys to vote. Now, on with the story!


It's been a week since the reveal of Silver Potter née Evans to be Harry's mother, having Harry have a sister, Severus Snape being Harry's uncle, and Sirius and Remus having their own wives and children.

Things were going around normal, except for Harry asking about his mother and her group of friends.

Harry, Hermione, and Serenity all went to find Sirius and Remus and ask them about the mysterious Silver Potter, Hailey Lupin, and Isabella Black.

The three found Sirius, Remus, and Severus up in Sirius' old room, from his childhood home. This was the first time any of them were in there.

"Mr. Black, Professor Lupin, Professor Snape, could we ask you about Silver, Hailey, and Isabella?" Serenity asked from the door.

The three adults looked at the door, and upon seeing who it was, gestured the three teens into the room.

"I'm gonna start, first off, no Mr. Black, it makes me sound old" Sirius started. "Secondly, what do you want to know?"

"What were they like?" Hermione asked, as all three sat on the bed, with the three adults finding somewhere else in the room to sit on.

"Silver, she was the leader, you could say" Remus started. "She was the one who got in trouble, took the blame if anything got to serious, and brought everyone together."

"She went to four different schools, one of them being Hogwarts of course" Sev started his turn. "She went to Illvermorny, where she was expelled in the first year, then to Durmstrang where she spent two years and expelled again, and a year in Beauxbatons, where Lé Méfait Trios came together"

"What was that?" Harry asked.

A young, fourteen year old Silver Evans stood next to her two best friends, Isabella Goodwin and Hailey Evermist.

Silver has known Bella since Illvermorny, I'm their first year, at their first school.

Sil was introduced to Hailey, from Bella, six month prior, and they all became fast friends, taking their school with pranks.

The three became the infamous group, Le Méfait Trios, they were even more famous than The Marauders!

"So, who's this James Potter that keeps sending you letters?" Hailey asked her best friend.

"He's an old childhood friend, that I've known since I was six" Silver said with a little blush on her cheeks.

Over the years, Silver Evans had developed a crush for her best friend. Apparently, he's also her soulmate, and he had a crush on her as well.

Evans' Twin, A Prankster *BEING REWRITTEN*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora