Silver Violet Evans

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Full Name- Silver Violet Evans

Age- 15

Family- Rose Evans née Dilly (mother)

    Blue Evans (father)

    Petunia Evans (Older sister)

    Lily Evans (younger twin sister)

School(s)- Illvermorny (expelled; first year) ,

    Durmstrang (expelled; second and third year)

    Beauxbatons (expelled; forth year)

    Hogwarts (starting/transferring; fifth, sixth, seventh)

Favorite Color- Purple/Lilac

House- ???

Best Friends- Isabella Goodwin, Hailey Evermist, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin

Friends- Alice Prewett, Emmaline Vance, Sophia Zabini, Frank Longbottom, Dorcas Meadoews

Powers- (only those magic sees worthy can gain these wether Pureblood, Halfblood, or Muggleborn) Elemental, Metamorphagus, Animagus, Parseltougne

Species- Human, Werewolf, Mei'fwa

Soul- Determination (red soul)

Patronus- Doe

Animagus- Everything

A/N- As you can probably tell, this is a Harry Potter story. The only people or things I own are the plot, Isabella Goodwin, Hailey Evermist, and Silver Evans. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling who is the queen of writing. 

Evans' Twin, A Prankster *BEING REWRITTEN*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu