Chapter 1: The Tree Where We Meet

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"Let's go home" Petunia said.

"Hold on Tuney. I need to visit somewhere first" Silver told her sister.

Silver, Bella, and Hailey grabbed their things and made it outside where Petunia was waiting. The three girls had different colored backpacks on which held all their stuff, thanks to a Extension Charm.

Silver's back was a dark purple with whites, blues, grays, and blacks spread all along it to look like a galaxy.

Bella had a red and black bag, which as Bella would say, matches her soul.

Hailey had a blue and black bag.

Petunia, Hailey, Bella, and Silver walked to the park that was around five minutes from the Evans house.

Petunia saw some of her friends and went over there telling her sister to either come home or talk to her later.

After saying bye to her sister, Silver went over to the tree she hasn't gone to in six years.

Hailey and Bella walked over.

"Potato people are coming. Get up in the branches. Come on" Bella said.

Silver, Bella, and Hailey climbed up the tree and waited on top of the highest branches.

Four boys, around the same age as them walked up.

One of them had shoulder length black hair with grey eyes that hint with mischief. He was the tallest out of the group.

Another boy standing next to him had scars littering his face with Sandy brown hair and warm brown eyes. He was a little smaller than the first boy, but still tall.

The best boy was a bit on the chubby side. He had blond hair with bright blue eyes that leaked with curiosity. He was the smallest of the group.

 The last boy was taller than the second boy but a inch or two smaller than the first boy, and had messy raven hair and hazel eyes that burst with mischief. 

Eyes that Silver knew well.

James Potter's eyes.

Silver smirked. James knew she was coming home today and thus is where they would meet again.

The four boys sat down, but before any of them could talk, Silver had to speak.

"Oi Prongsie you gonna introduce me to your friends?" 

"Depends. Would you introduce me to yours?" He asked looking up and seeing Hailey, Bella and Silver.

The other three boys looked at James and back to Silver.

"Do you wanna come up or do you want me to come down?" She asked.

"Come on down"

"Nahhh I like it better up here"

Finally one of the boys had enough of not knowing.

"Who are you and how do you know him" Grey Eyes asked.

"Good question, but, shouldn't you tell me who you are as well, so I know I'm not talking with some complete stranger?" Silver asked now laying on the branch feet swinging.

"You say your name first"

"Fine, Silver Evans I knew Prongsie boy here since I was six"

The three other boys looked in which, while James only smirked.

The three boys were thinking 'how does she have the same name as Lily.'

"And before you even think it, do not dub me as my dear little twins sister or I will walk away" Silver said with sass.

The boys got over their shock and Grey Eyes introduced himself.

"Sirius Black James's best friend" he said.

"I think I'm dubbed at that seeing as how I knew him since we were six and kept in touch even though I went to Illvermorny in America, but got expelled because I pissed of the teachers, got into fights, and pranked, Durmstrang in Bulgaria for only boys and got expelled, and Beauxbatons, and got expelled." She said.

Sirius, and the other two looked at her in awe.

"Oh yes and I'm also Lady Ravenclaw-LeFay" she said.

Sirius fainted right then and there.

"Anyways, I'm Remus Lupin and this is my friend Peter Pettigrew." The boy with scars said.

"Nice to meet you" Silver said ignoring Sirius' passes out body.

"Hi I'm Hailey Evermist and I'm a edgy smol potato" Hailey introduced herself.

"I'm Isabella Goodwin and I'm have to take care of theses two potatos" Bella said pointing to Silver and Hailey.

"Why thank you I enjoy being a potato" Silver and Hailey said at the same time.

"Hey Spot could you sing, I haven't heard your voice in forever" James said.

"Sure I love to" Silver said jumping down.

Hailey and Bella stayed in the tree. As Silver jumped down Sirius u s woke up.

"What's happenin'" he asked.

James and Silver ignored him.


Evans' Twin, A Prankster *BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now