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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guys! *runs from angry mob of fangirls* 

Okay okay. I know I haven't updated in...*checks watch, then calender, then phone* HOLY FÛCKING SHÎT ALMOST TWO MONTHS!!!! *runs from even more fangirls* Sorry?

I know it's not an excuse, I really did want to keep writing it ever since I posted the last chapter. And also, chapter 5 would take place sometime around sixth year, and not in fifth like the beginning of the story is. And it was a filler or a crackish chapter, kinda for my own amusement.

I know that this isn't much of an excuse, but hey, I'm not dead yet.

And one more thing...

1.6k views. Thank all of those who read, comment, and vote for this story. First person to comment on the next chapter gets a shout out or a dedication to the chapter after that. If you want me to keep continuing with doing the shout outs and dedications, tell me in the next two chapters.

Thank you all for the votes, comments, reads, and staying with this story even if I'm not much of a "dedicated" writer.

Thank you.


Evans' Twin, A Prankster *BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now