(bonus chapter): young love

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ten years later

"seungmin, stop bullying seunghee," the chois' oldest son said in a bored tone as he watched his younger brother running around with the chwe daughter's barbie doll.

"but dolls are babyish! seunghee is ten years old," seungmin said, sticking his tongue out.

"oppa!" seunghee shrieked, stamping her foot in a manner not unlike her mommy.

"seungmin, give it back right now or i'm telling mom," the fifteen-year-old said, mimicking his own mom's stern tone.

"okay, okay!" seungmin uttered, holding the doll out.

"meanie," seunghee whined, snatching the doll away from him. "tina-unnie, play with me!"

seungwon glanced at the eldest hong daughter where she sat reading a book. he couldn't understand how she could sit there so peacefully when all of the kids were running around so loudly in the park.

she's really pretty...

"okay, jasmine," tina said in english, setting down her book. she gave a laugh, springing up and running after seunghee who had taken off, still clutching her barbie doll.

"you like her," xinchun stated, the seven year old son of the wen couple dangling off the climbing frame behind seungwon.

the fifteen year old flinched. "you might fall," he tutted, turning round on the bench to frown at the younger boy. "and my mom, and your parents will blame me."

"why?" the small chinese boy asked in a sing-song voice, swinging a little.

seungwon was stressed as xinchun let one hand go from the bar, swinging more energetically.

"because you'll hurt yourself and because i'm the oldest, it'll be my fault for not making sure you don't die," seungwon groaned.

"if he dies can i have his fire truck and his rollerskates?" xukun, xinchun's five year old brother, rambled as he toddled over to seungwon. the small chinese boy held up his arms and seungwon sighed, picking him up.

"no, because he's not going to die," the teenager huffed. "you're literally five, why would you even say that?"

xukun shrugged, seungwon holding him under the arms, feet dangling. he climbed seungwon like a climbing frame and sat up on his shoulders.

"ow," he said in a monotone.

"hyung is big! hyung is strong!" xukun crowed, grabbing onto seungwon's ears.

the eldest choi son gave a shriek, startling the small boy atop his shoulders. xinchun was also startled, nearly losing his grip on the bar, which stressed seungwon even more.

"hyung," xukun whined, "i want to go on the swings."

"then get off me," he suggested, but xukun kicked his feet against him. "okay, fine. i'll take you."

he looked over to where ten-year-old kyungsoo was sitting at the base of a tree nearby, reading a book quietly, round glasses atop his nose. he has grown to be somewhat like his older sister, tina, but ended up mirroring his father joshua more than his mom seokmin.

"kyungsoo-ah," said seungwon, "can you watch xinchun and make sure he doesn't die?"

the bespectacled boy glanced up and rolled his eyes. "sure," he said, but went back to his book immediately.

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