12: about time.

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seungkwan was bawling on the kitchen floor.

"why?" he whimpered, choking on sobs. "hansollie," he wailed, hitting his fists on the tiled floor.

the blond tugged on his hair, his vision blurred with the tears that steadily streamed down his face.

porro whined and padded over, rubbing his nose against seungkwan's knee. she climbed into the blond's lap, nosing his chest and arms, mewling loudly.

"shut up, you ugly t-thing," he mumbled, stroking porro's head.

meow?  porro looked at him with big eyes, pawing softly at seungkwan's wet cheeks. the sweet action only made seungkwan cry harder. he hugged the cat.

"at least i've got you, porro," he sniffled, his tears falling onto the cat's ears, making her shake her head.

porro whined again and licked seungkwan's fingers.

the front door opened. porro jumped out of seungkwan's arms and hissed at the intruder.

"seungkwan," hansol said hoarsely.

porro hissed again.

the blond hid his face in his hands, his whole body shaking.

hansol pulled him up and gathered him in his arms. he held seungkwan tight, quietly shushing him. seungkwan was limp in his arms, but hansol gripped him like he was afraid he would disappear.

"i'm s-sorry," seungkwan gasped out.

hansol buried his head in seungkwan's shoulder.

"hansollie, i'm so-"

"seungkwan, don't be sorry," hansol mumbled. "don't be sorry."

the blond whimpered. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry; i didn't want you to be mad! please don't be mad..."

hansol finally looked at him.

"i'm not mad," he said steadily. "please don't cry, i'm not mad."

"b-but i'm pregnant," he stammered.

"don't cry," hansol said quietly, wiping seungkwan's tears with his thumbs.

"what are we going to do, 'sollie? we're not ready for a baby-"

"seungkwan," he interrupted, "i think you're ready to be a mom."

"you're not mad?" seungkwan repeated, not registering what hansol had said.

"no, love, i'm not mad," said hansol, cracking a smile. "i'm sorry i walked out, that was really bad of me. i was just... i mean, wow, five weeks." his face fell. "why didn't you tell me?"

seungkwan's lower lip wobbled.  "i was scared," he whispered. "i didn't- i just didn't want to ruin-"

"shh, love," hansol said, "a baby could never ruin what we have, okay? i promise. and i swear i'm not mad about the fact that you're pregnant. i'm just slightly disappointed that you didn't tell me... you're five weeks along?"

seungkwan nodded. hansol looked down at the blond's tummy.

"are we really having a baby?"

"yes, hansol," seungkwan answered, starting to tear up again. "we're having a baby."

hansol fell to his knees, his hands on seungkwan's waist. he gently rested a hand on his boyfriend's tummy, smiling up at him.

"this is amazing, love," hansol said, resting his forehead against the barely visible bump. "i think... i'd better get ready for this little chwe in there."

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