28: mom's night.

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the brunette grunted and rolled over, scratching at his head.

"hansol. hansol."


"for fuck's sake, hansol vernon chwe!"

"i'm awake, i'm awake," he insisted, although he sounded a bit drunk as he tried to pry his eyes open at such an ungodly hour.

"hansol! wake up!" seungkwan demanded, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and placing it on his stomach. "she moved."

"oh my god," hansol mumbled, sitting up hastily and holding seungkwan's bump in his hands. "i think i'm gonna cry," he said in a small voice.

"hansol," seungkwan cooed, stroking his boyfriend's hair.

hansol pressed his cheek against the baby bump, closing his eyes. "this is so amazing, kwannie..."

"sol, are you crying?" seungkwan asked after a moment.

"no," hansol said with a sniff. "no way."


"sweetie, i'm so excited for you!" jeonghan squealed over the phone.

"thanks! it's so weird, but i love feeling her move," seungkwan admitted, one hand on his bump.

"just hope the baby doesn't want to become a dancer," jeonghan sighed. "or anything involving kicking. it'll hurt more than you think."

"my daughter can be anything she wants," seungkwan huffed, rubbing his belly. "isn't that right, bub?"

"you are literally the most precious person," jeonghan uttered. "so, fancy coffee with the mom squad?"

"it sounds so lame when you say it, han," he laughed. "but, sure! i think wonwoo's working today, but i could go pick him up?"

"no, sweetie," said jeonghan, "i don't want you driving when you're this excited. i'll arrange something."

a few hours later, seungkwan's phone rang. jeonghan told him to come outside, so seungkwan grabbed his coat and bag and went down to the front of the apartment block.

"jeonghan?" he said, seeing the new mom in the car with seungcheol and hansol. "sol?"

"hey, kwannie," he said, getting out from the backseat and holding the door open for his boyfriend.

"what's even happening?"

"cheol got off work early," jeonghan explained, "so i asked him to pick us up. we're going back to our place, sweetie, but these boys here have other plans."

"what plans?" seungkwan asked suspiciously.

"oh, you know," seungcheol said vaguely, "dad stuff."

seungkwan narrowed his eyes but became preoccupied by little jeonghwa who was sitting in her carseat in the back, between him and hansol.

"everyone ready?" asked jeonghan, glancing back at seungkwan and beaming when he saw the expectant mother playing happily with jeonghwa.

they arrived at the choi's place and started piling out of the car, though hansol stayed back and talked with seugncheol.

"hey, guys," wonwoo called, his husband's police car pulling up on the other side of the street.

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