05: terrified.

13.9K 711 579

it had been exactly two days, fifteen hours and fourty seven minutes since seungkwan had discovered he was pregnant and he felt like he was going to explode.

because he hadn't told hansol yet.

"see you tonight, love," the brunette had told seungkwan, kissing the blond's hair as he stayed curled up in bed.

"see you later," seungkwan mumbled in response.

hansol left seungkwan in their room, the blond listening as his boyfriend grabbed his lunch from the fridge and shut the front door behind him.


seungkwan's sigh felt too loud in the quietness of the apartment. the rustling of the sheets as he pushed off from the bed. the pad of socks on lino.

by the time seungkwan left for work, he was still in a daze.

"dude, you look seriously out of it," wonwoo remarked. the bespectacled man had started wearing cardigans again for some reason, looking one-hundred-percent domestic. "is everything okay?"

that's when seungkwan started crying.

wonwoo looked the younger up and down before wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leading him to the back room. he sat him down on a chair, kneeling in front of him and stroking his hair, holding seungkwan's head to his chest.

"what happened?"

seungkwan sobs only got uglier at that, shaking and sniffling and spluttering unattractively. he wailed some incoherent words as wonwoo held him, bawling into the older's cardigan.

"seungkwan," said wonwoo, at a loss.

"i'm pregnant," seungkwan got out. "i'm fucking pregnant, wonwoo. what am i supposed to do?"

wonwoo calmly took seungkwan's face in his hands, looking carefully at him.

"nothing," he said.

"what?" seungkwan sniffed.

"do nothing. tell hansol, but just do nothing. you're fine."

"wonwoo, nothing about this is fine-"

"quit whining and suck it up," wonwoo said, the words harsh on seungkwan's ears. "you're going to have a baby; you have to accept it."

"b-but hansol," seungkwan uttered, his eyes filling with tears again.

"he has to accept it, too," wonwoo said with a sigh, his hands falling to his sides. "it's done, you can't do anything about it." his hands went to his own stomach and stayed there. "there's nothing you can do."

"how are you doing?" seungkwan asked thickly, scrubbing at his eyes.

wonwoo sat back on his heels and ran a hand through his hair.

"great," he said dryly. "the hormones fucking suck, i keep yelling at mingyu for no reason. the doctor tells me the morning sickness shouldn't continue into the second trimester, though, so i guess that's a plus."

"you sound like an expert."

"i read a lot of books."

seungkwan let out a sigh, hiding his hands in the sleeves of his pastel pink sweater.

"i don't know how to do any of this," he confessed. "i'm getting pretty bad mood swings."

"that's normal," wonwoo advised, getting to his feet and offering seungkwan a hand. the blond took it and stood up. "but you should see the doctor."

"why?" he asked aprehensively.

"to check the baby's health," said wonwoo, "and yours. the doctor told me i'm borderline-underweight, which i didn't know before. apparently anything could affect the baby, so…"

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