27: congratulations.

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"hansollie?" seungkwan mumbled, reaching for his boyfriend.

"mm?" hansol's arms wrapped around him and he pressed their cheeks together. "you okay, boo?"

"i had a bad dream," seungkwan whimpered, clinging to hansol.

"baby," hansol said, pulling away a little to look at seungkwan in the semi-darkness. "don't cry, kwannie..."

seungkwan sniffled and hansol carefully wiped his tears.

"what happened?" he asked softly.

"i h-had the baby..." seungkwan choked out, "but suddenly she was g-gone and i couldn't f-find her anywhere- hansol-"

"oh my god," hansol murmured, pulling seungkwan into his chest. he stroked his hair until he had calmed down somewhat. "our little chwe is still here, right here," he whispered, rubbing the side of seungkwan's tummy gently. "and we're gonna see her again today, aren't we?"

"y-yeah," seungkwan sniffed.

"it was just a dream," said hansol, kissing his boyfriend's forehead. "everything's okay."

"wait," seungkwan said, frowning. "you called the baby 'her'!"


seungkwan leapt up onto his knees, punching the air. "told you it was a girl!"

"seungkwan-" hansol began, placing two hands on seungkwan's bump, which was showing quite a bit by now.

"i told you," he said smugly.

"oh, come on," hansol grumbled.

seungkwan giggled and poked hansol  repetitively until the brunette wrestled him down onto the mattress.

"sollie!" seungkwan whined, shrieking when hansol began to tickle his sides. "oh my god, hansol- stop!"

hansol laughed loudly, collapsing on the bed beside his boyfriend and cuddling him gently.

"i swear to god, that laugh is deadass the dumbest thing i have ever heard."

"too bad you have to hear it everyday," hansol said with a wink.


"hansol, she's so cute, i love her," seungkwan squealed as he clutched the photograph, his other hand clinging to hansol's as they left the surgery.

"they didn't check the gender, though," hansol mused. he grinned and squeezed seungkwan's hand.

seungkwan frowned at him. "it's nice if it's a surprise, sollie," he grumbled.

"but you know it's a girl," hansol teased. he checked his watch. "i have to go soon, baby."

"that's okay, sollie," he told him, standing on his tiptoes to kiss his boyfriend as they stopped on the sidewalk. "i'm meeting jeonghan and wonwoo soon for a mom's meet up."

"cute," hansol chuckled, opening the passenger door for seungkwan when they reached the car. "want me to drop you off at the cafe?"

"yes, please," he replied cutely.

"okay, boo," hansol said, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before carefully closing the door and going round to the driver's seat.

seungkwan sang along to the radio, complaining half-heartedly when hansol joined in out-of-tune.

"here we are, princess," hansol said formally, laughing when seungkwan went bright red.

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