25: practice.

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"hey, wonwoo," seokmin said gently, shaking the tall man's shoulder.

wonwoo gave a groan, hand going to the crick in his neck from falling asleep on the couch. "morning, seokmin," he said, shifting a little, only to realise a warm weight was sprawled across his stomach. "oh, seungwon," he chuckled, ruffling the sleeping boy's hair.

the five-year-old had shuffled into the living room with his teddy at four am when he was woken by wonwoo talking on the phone with seungcheol - jeonghwa had arrived. seungwon had climbed into wonwoo's lap, listening to his dad on the phone and eventually falling asleep there, followed by wonwoo.

"morning, uncle wonnie," seungwon mumbled. "is our sister here?"

wonwoo found himself smiling at seungwon's sleepy expression.

"they're all still at the hospital," he answered.

seungwon nodded and climbed off wonwoo's lap, leaving his teddy behind as he went back to his bedroom.

"you're good with seungwon," said seokmin.

"mm," wonwoo replied, smiling a little.

"anyway, i'm going to stay here with tina and the boys," seokmin explained, "seungcheol texted me saying that jeonghan will be discharged later today."

"okay," wonwoo said with a nod.

"oh, seungcheol's on his way back to see the boys," seokmin added. "to grab some extra stuff for jeonghan and the baby."

"i..." wonwoo began, holding seungwon's teddy in his hands and glancing to his stomach. "i should get home, i need to see my husband."

he got up from the sofa, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his sweater, the teddy still in his hands.

"everything okay?" seokmin questioned, his hand supporting his belly as he trailed after wonwoo. he was wearing a blue sweater that stretched snugly over his baby bump, gently rubbing it as wonwoo looked for his shoes.

"yeah, j-just," wonwoo stammered, meeting seokmin's expectant gaze. "i'm pregnant."

seokmin looked like he might cry. "oh my god," he uttered with a wide smile, "that's so amazing. when did you find out?"

"uh, last night," the bespectacled man answered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "i kind of stole a pregnancy test from the bathroom-"

"they won't mind," seokmin said cheerfully, embracing wonwoo with such familiarity despite the fact that they only met yesterday, "i'm so happy! i thought i really fucked up after what you said last night, but this is incredible, wonwoo."

"thanks," wonwoo mumbled, hugging seokmin back, or as well as he could around the baby bump. "i'm... really happy. scared, but happy."

"i'm so glad," he said, wiping a tear as he pulled away from the hug.

wonwoo smiled, realising he was still holding seungwon's teddy.

"i should return this," he said, going to the bedroom to find seungwon lying beside his brother, almost asleep. "hey," wonwoo said quietly, "you left this behind."

"oh, thanks uncle wonnie," seungwon said, cuddling the teddy to his chest.

"i'm going now, but i'll see you soon," wonwoo told him, ruffling the boy's hair. "and... thanks, kid, for what you said last night."

seungwon frowned as he tried to remember. "what did i say?" he asked, but wonwoo was already on his way out.

"see you, seokmin," he said with a smile, shrugging on his jacket.

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