Part 16: Kiss

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Yoongi felt Jimin's plump lips on his own for a brief second, that being enough to make his heart feel like it had exploded.

Jimin pulled away hiding his face before Yoongi could fully react, breathing heavy panicking over doing it wrong.

"You okay?" Yoongi said placing his hand on Jimin's knee drawing circles with his hands.

Jimin nodded before mumbling "My question, how do I stop my heart from feeling like it's going to explode in my chest?"

Yoongi couldn't help but smirk slightly at what Jimin said, answering "You don't."

Jimin looked at Yoongi with his hand on his heart before grabbing Yoongi's hand and placing it on the same spot.

"Is this normal?" Jimin asked panicking slightly that something was wrong with him.

"For a first kiss? Yes. We can take a break from the game for tonight if you want it's getting late." Yoongi proposed causing Jimin to shake his head.

"Your not getting out of your dare that easy, plus it's only ten." Jimin said in a quiet voice which Yoongi could just about hear.

"Okay then, last dare for the night we can continue the game tomorrow." Yoongi said not giving Jimin the chance to argue by adding "What's your dare?"

Yoongi smiled watching Jimin blush knowing exactly what he was going to ask.

"K-kiss me o-on the lips." Jimin said pointing at his lips with his small finger to stop anymore confusion.

"Why didn't you just say that the first time?" Yoongi teased making Jimin look away.

In that same moment Yoongi used one of his hands to move Jimin's from his lips, then the other hand to tilt Jimin's face up to his.

Yoongi moves his face closer to Jimin's and quickly kissed Jimin's nose, then instantly going and attacking Jimin's lips with little pecks.

Jimin could feel his cheeks burning as Yoongi continued to attack his lips quickly kissing back as he melted into Yoongi's touch.

Yoongi guided Jimin's arms around his neck, then moved his own to around Jimin's waist; each being pulled closer to each other.

Jimin and Yoongi's lips moved at the same time like they were meant for each other a knew each other even though they only just touched.

Yoongi was the one to pull away not wanting to get caught up in the moment, gasping for air slightly.

Jimin quickly caught his breath then digging his face into Yoongi's neck in embarrassment not wanting his face to be seen.

Yoongi just held Jimin close to him stroking his back for a while until Jimin's breathing finally became steady.

"Are you sure that was your first kiss?" Yoongi asked surprised by how good Jimin was at it.

Jimin mumbled into Yoongi's neck saying "Technically my second."

Yoongi let out a chuckle because even though Jimin was embarrassed he was still him right down to his response.

"Well for a second kiss that was very impressive." Yoongi said hoping he could see Jimin's face look up.

"Thanks..." Jimin replied not moving.

Yoongi didn't want to tell Jimin to move because he was comfortable and glad he got to be that close to him but he wanted to see his face more so he could see the effect he, or technically his kiss, had on Jimin.

Yoongi stopped rubbing circles onto Jimin's back and moved his hands to Jimin's sides slowly before he began to tickle the younger.

"Ahh! Yoongi stop!" Jimin said as he tried to move away but Yoongi had him caught in his grip well.

"Y-Yoongi this is a order f-from you master!" Jimin yelled between laughter and giggling.

Yoongi instantly raised his arms looking at Jimin's smiling face.

"Wow. Using your authority over me just to get out of tickles. I see how it is." Yoongi said pretending to be annoyed.

"Then don't tickle me." Jimin said back in a slightly louder voice than he would normally speak but not loud enough for people to hear from outside.

"You look handsome." Yoongi said jumping up off of the floor and quickly pecking Jimin's hair before leaving the room lastly saying "Good night."

Jimin sat still on the floor blushing at the compliment he'd received as Yoongi walked to his room next door, the image of Jimin's swollen lips fresh in his head.

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