Part 14: Continued

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"I want to continue the game." Jimin said walking into his room with Yoongi following behind him.

"I'd say sure but you really should get some rest." Yoongi replied as he continued walking past Jimin to his closet to get out some pyjamas.

"But we didn't get a chance to after dinner, then after tea. I wanna finish the game." Jimin whined.

"You need to get ready for bed Jiminie." Yoongi said approaching Jimin's bed to lay out the clothes.

"We can play as I get ready." Jimin said now tugging on Yoongi's arm.

"You never change do you?" Yoongi asked letting out a chuckle making Jimin pout.

"Still the same little Jiminie I met 10 years ago."

Jimin punched Yoongi's arm then jumped on his bed hugging a pillow.

"First of all ouch. Second of all your not helping your argument acting that cute." Yoongi pointed out causing Jimin to launch a pillow at him.

"I'm not a child." Jimin insisted causing Yoongi to just smile at him, quietly saying "Yuhuh."

Jimin had a short fuse and Yoongi just blew it.

All Jimin wanted was for Yoongi to see him as a adult but all he ever saw him as was a kid as far as Jimin knew.

"Fine then to prove it why don't we change the game to make it more interesting and less childish?" Jimin asked with a confident look on his face and annoyance apparent in his voice.

"How so?" Yoongi replied untying Jimin's shoes.

"For every question you have to do a dare." Jimin said with a smug look on his face which Yoongi couldn't help but find cute.

"Fine but your getting changed into your pyjamas first." Yoongi instructed pointing at the sliding wall thingy which name wasn't totally forgotten.

Jimin went behind it and got changed quickly then re-emerged sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Why do you think I'm a child?" Jimin asked making Yoongi smile at the innocence of the question replying "That's why. Your a little innocent bean Jiminie."

Jimin got confused but didn't show it, not understanding what brand had to do with the conversation and why he was one.

"Time for your dare." Yoongi said with a happy smile which made Jimin gulp because he had no clue what Yoongi was going to make him do.

"I dare youuuu, too kiss my cheek." Yoongi said pointing up to his face.

Jimin's face went bright red and he knew Yoongi saw his face go that red because of the smile he had on his face.

"OkAy YoOnGi." Jimin said crouching off the bed to the floor where Yoongi was.

Jimin shakily leant in feeling like his legs were going to give way as he leaned over Yoongi moving closer to his cheek.

"It wasn't that bad of a dare was it? You used to kiss my cheek all the time." Yoongi said with an innocent pout.

"No ItS fInE." Jimin said before quickly kissing Yoongi's cheek and throwing himself back.

"You know you didn't have to if you didn't want to." Yoongi said as pulled Jimin closer to him because he was about to hit his head on the beds wooden frame.

"I-I wanted t-too." Jimin said allowing himself to be guided by Yoongi.

Jimin ended up sat on Yoongi's lap somehow and neither complained instead Yoongi took the moment to tease the younger some more.

"So you wanted to kiss my cheek, well if you just said so I would've let you."

Jimin widened his eyes at the realisation of what he had said, burying his face into Yoongi's neck which made both of them blush but Jimin was too consumed by embarrassment to care.

"My turn for a question." Yoongi said in a mischievous voice.

Jimin moves his head slightly so he could just see Yoongi which he regretted doing because of the smirk that was awaiting him.

"Have you had your first kiss?"

Jimin didn't reply, instead shaking his head and trying to hide his face.

Yoongi was actually surprised Jimin had never kissed anyone before considering how handsome and how much of a charmer he was.

"I didn't expect that." Yoongi whisper spoke, letting his mind drift off into thoughts of kissing Jimin which he thought he was doing a good job keeping at bay but apparently not.

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