Part 15: Kiss me

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"Yoongi?" Jimin asked noticing Yoongi zoning out.

When Yoongi snapped out of it he felt a not so subtle blush spread across his face which Jimin noticed instantly.

"It's your go." Yoongi said rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding Jimin's eyes contact.

"I dare you..." Jimin began, pausing as a blush appeared on his face.

"You can say anything. A dares a dare and I'd do anything for you anyways." Yoongi said not sure on what Jimin wanted to say but wished it was to-

"Kiss me."

Jimin said the words extremely fast and then his his obviously red face in his small hands.

Yoongi's eyes widened slightly as he raised a eyebrow but he didn't question what he was dares so kissed Jimin.

"You know I didn't mean there dumby." Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"You said to kiss you. You never said where. If you were more specific then I would have kissed there. Now your just gonna have to wait until it's your turn again." Yoongi said with a gummy smile.

"I hate you Min Yoongi." Jimin replied pouting which made Yoongi slightly regret not kissing his lips.

"Okay my turn, whys you want me to kiss you?" Yoongi teased making Jimin pout more which Yoongi didn't think was possible.

"That's not fair Yoongiii~" Jimin complained making Yoongi mock his face a voice saying "Life's not fair. Now answer my question."

Jimin played with his hands for a second before mumbling "Because you said anything and I wanted to kiss you."

Yoongi didn't hear what Jimin said and Jimin could tell by the face Yoongi was pulling because it was very exaggerated.

Jimin realised he had the chance to change what he said so lied saying "Because I don't want to mess up when I have to kiss someone in the future so I wanted you to show me."

"That seemed longer." Yoongi said not believing it.

"Added more detail since you either didn't understand or didn't hear." Jimin said smugly.

"Okay after my intellect was questioned I don't feel bad about your dare. I dare you, Park Jimin, to kiss me, Min Yoongi, on the lips."

Jimin looked straight at Yoongi in shock as Yoongi just smiled back at him.

"I-I-I d-don't know how t-too." Jimin said shakily as he looked down to the floor.

"Well then consider this your chance to mess up before you use your dare." Yoongi said with a warm smile that made Jimin blush.

"Come on." Yoongi said gently moving Jimin so he was in front of him.

"What do I do?" Jimin asked in a quiet voice.

"Well first you move closer." Yoongi said leaning forward, Jimin doing the same until they were only centimetres apart.

"Now what?" Jimin asked as he felt his and Yoongi's noses touch.

"Now you kiss me." Yoongi said starting to feel guilty about letting his emotions control him knowing he more than likely shouldn't be letting Jimin kiss him.

Yoongi was about to say Jimin probably shouldn't kiss him but before he could any doubt in his mind faded.

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