Part 4: Dress up

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Jimin got bored waiting for Yoongi's room to be done so decided he'd make the most of the time until it was complete.


"Yes Jimin?" Yoongi said snapping out of his daydream.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a minute, Okay?"


Jimin then ran straight out of his room and to his father who was monitoring the room next to Jimin's.

"Daddy?" Jimin said as he hugged his fathers arm looking up at him with puppy dog eyes which he knew his father couldn't say no too.

His father let out a sigh before finally responding "Yes son?"

"Can Yoongi try on his clothes to see if they fit?"

"Yes but he needs to take a bath first so let him use you bathroom then I'll have the clothes brought." His father said, patting Jimin's head in approval expecting him to request his room be filled with kimchi... again.

"Maids, go prepare a bath in Jimin's room for Yoongi and have his clothes be taken through as well from down stairs so he can try them on."

"Thank you~"

Almost instantly a swarm of maids made their way into Jimin's room which confused Yoongi slightly until Jimin returned and told him he's taking a bath but not to take to long.

Yoongi just went with it and got in the bath until he was properly clean; for the first time Yoongi saw himself completely clean, all the evidence of years of neglect were apparent.

He was extremely thin because he wasn't fed properly, pale due to lack of sunlight and illness, eye bags from multiple sleepless nights and his scars appeared worse than he thought they were.

Looking at himself reminded him about everything he went through and he hated it.

When he couldn't bare to look anymore he got dressed in the clothes left out which was a basic white blouse and a pair of black trousers.

He left the bathroom but was left stood in shock at the door looking into Jimin's room which now had many sets of clothes lay all over the place.

"Yoongi~" Jimin sang as he ran over and hugged him.

"Jimin? Why are your clothes everywhere?" Yoongi asked not moving as Jimin still hugged him.

Jimin let out a chuckle before stepping back and saying "There not my clothes, their yours."

Yoongi's eyes opened slightly wider in surprise.

"Don't look so surprised now come on tryyyyy this on." Jimin said picking up a blazer, vest and tie before throwing it at Yoongi.

Yoongi put the tie on first standing in front of a mirror so he could see what he was doing.

The next thing he knew Jimin was stood behind him looking in the mirror with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked worried he was doing something wrong.

"You make putting a tie on look so easy. Even the maids struggle helping me." Jimin said watching in awe.

Yoongi smiled lightly at Jimin before saying "If you want I can help you from now on? Isn't that my job anyways?"

Jimin's eyes lit up as he nodded at Yoongi.

"Yep your job is to serve me and follow any orders I give you. So I'm gonna think really hard about it tonight then I'm gonna give you some tomorrow." Jimin said happily with a cheeky smile which made Yoongi happy but also nervous because he could literally be made to do anything.

"Don't be to harsh on me please." Yoongi said laughing but with a serious tone still in his voice.

Yoongi finished putting the rest of what Jimin gave him on and it all fit him well, moving from outfit to outfit until they were finally all tried on.

"Wow Yoongi you look so grown up." Jimin said staring at the last outfit which would be his main uniform.

Yoongi whispered "Thanks." As he looked at himself in the mirror.

Mr Park walked in as Yoongi was putting all the other clothes that Jimin tried to help put away back on the hangers.

"Ah Yoongi, you look like a proper gentlemen. Your room is ready now if you'd like to look?" Mr Park said in a less serious voice than he spoke in before.

Yoongi just shyly nodded as Jimin ran and grabbed his hand before dragging him to the door, jumping in excitement.

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