Part 3: Game

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"What game do you want to play Jimin?" Yoongi asked quietly sitting on the edge of Jimin's bed as Jimin moved his pillows to the floor.

"Oh I know! Why not a game where we answer each others questions honestly and take it in turns then we can get to know each other." Jimin said excitedly sitting down with the pillows.

"Okay... why don't you go first?" Yoongi said looking at Jimin who smiled back.

"Why are you so quiet?" Jimin asked watching as Yoongi looked away from the younger honking deeply about his response.

Jimin couldn't help a slight frown from forming on his face because he thought he was finally getting somewhere with Yoongi even though they'd only known each other for a short period of time.

Yoongi sat in silence for a while not to sure what to say eventually deciding on a response mumbling "Because I don't know you that well yet?"

Jimin didn't acknowledge the fact Yoongi sounded uncertain and was just happy he had gotten a response.

Jimin smiled brightly as Yoongi looked at him in confusion as to why Jimin was so happy.

"Well then let's get to know each other quick." Jimin said before quickly adding "Your go!"

Yoongi didn't even think before he let his thoughts slip.

"Why are you so happy?"

Jimin's face was unreadable for a second but quickly went back to his smile speaking cheerfully as he spoke "Because I finally have a friend."

Yoongi didn't understand what Jimin meant by finally since he appeared friendly and approachable but he didn't question it, instead wondering if he meant him.

Jimin must've been able to read Yoongi's face because he threw a pillow at Yoongi snapping him out of his thoughts.

Jimin chuckled as Yoongi stared at him in confusion eventually saying "You, stupid. You're my friend."

Yoongi smiled shyly since no one had ever wanted to be his friend before.

"Have you ever had a friend before?" Jimin asked causing Yoongi to look up in complete shock.

Yoongi just shook his head in response.

Jimin dives up onto the bed landing on top of Yoongi hugging him.

"Well now you have meeeee!"

Both boys burst out laughing any tension between the two gone.

My Master - Yoonmin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora