"Alone," he then says before looking over to Marcel and I.

"No," Smitty says before he starts shaking the drink. "I'm working, and they are waiting for me to finish so they can do their jobs. So if you really want to talk to me, you have to talk to me right here."

I see John grit his teeth and clinch his fist, but he then takes a deep breath and says, "Fine. I just wanted to tell you again that I'm sorry for what happened last week. I was annoyed and upset with the idea that you could have been selling your body to some other guy."

"This is a strip club, John. I'm not going to tell you again."

"I know! But, the fact that you got that address just screamed sex! You have to know that!"

"I'm not going to tell you again, John. That was a text from a friend for protective reasons. Now calm down before you make a scene."

"Just shut up for a second and let me talk!"

"I am letting you talk," Smitty says before pouring the drink into a smaller glass and adding whipped cream on top. "But I don't see why you had to come here to tell me you're sorry."

"Because you won't text me back or answer my phone calls! How else was I supposed to talk to you?!"

"Maybe you should have taken the hint," Smitty says, taking the next drink and adding what was needed to it. "I don't want to talk to you."

"Please, I'm sorry," he yells before slamming his fist into the bar. "How many times do I have to say it?! I'm sorry for what I did and said! Just please, take me back! I love you! I moved all the way out here for you! I need you!"

"If you really loved me," Smitty says before taking the drink and mixing it. "Then slapping me wouldn't have been a thought that came to your mind."

"It wasn't a thought! It was an accident, I swear!"

"You don't just accidentally slap someone across the face, John! Now get out of here! I don't want anything to do with you!"

"But-" before he can say anything else, Marcel steps in between them and starts pushing John away from the bar.

"He said he wants you to leave. Now get out of here before you make an even bigger scene than you've already made."

"No! Get the fuck out of my way! Lucas, please! Talk to me! Lucas!"

After he started yelling again, Tyler and David quickly run over and grab him, trying to pull him out of the club. I turn to Smitty, who I can see start to shake as John continues to yell.

"Are you okay," I ask, reaching over and putting my hand on his should.

He quickly pulls his arm away from me. "I'll be fine," he sighs. "I just need to get out of here. Work at a different club or something. Anything to get away from this place."

"Would it really make that much of a difference?"

"More than you realize, Evan. Working at this strip club as made dating more difficult than it should be. You're lucky you found someone that isn't jealous of the fact that the customers here are ripping off your clothes with their eyes. Though that could all change if you don't get out of here soon. Especially with what Panda has planned for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seriously still not seen it, Ev?"

"Seen what?"

He opens his mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it when we hear a loud bang ring throughout the room, causing Jay to shut off the music. Smitty and I look towards the front door, where the bang had came from, and I feel my heart stop when we see John still standing there, and he's holding a gun in the air. The club instantly fills with screams as everyone either hide in the bathrooms or under the tables, but a few try to run pass him to get out. My blood turns cold however when I see John turn the gun on them, shooting people as they try to either rush him or try to pass him. We then watch in horror as Marcel grabs the gun and tries to pull it out of John's hands, while Tyler and David try to get everyone out from under the tables so they could lead them somewhere safer.

After a few seconds, Smitty jumps over the bar and grabs my arm, pulling me towards the door that leads backstage. He and I continue running, and once we get backstage, which is empty from the dancers all running out after the first gunshot, and run to the back door that leads to the parking lot, we hear another gunshot and Marcel screaming.

Smitty and I push open the door and run out to our cars. I look around and see that more than half of the cars that were normally here were now gone. My guess is that the dancers all jumped in their cars and drove off after the chaos started. Smitty and I had the same plan, however, panic quickly hits us as we realize that we were still in our uniforms. Our keys were still in our day clothes, which were in our lockers.

I turn towards the building without thinking, ready to run back in to get my keys, however, I stop when Smitty grabs me again and pull me back over to him. "Don't be fucking stupid, Evan! We don't know where John is in there!"

"Then what are we supposed to do?!"

He looks around before he grabs my arm again and starts running to... The truck. The black, four door truck.

My heart pounds heavily in my chest as Smitty jumps into the bed of the truck. "Get in, now," he yells.

I stare at the truck, worried about what had happened before, but I do as he told me. I climb up the side of the truck and jump into the bed. He and I then lay on our stomachs and try to control our breathing, in the hopes of staying quiet.

After a bit, the only sounds we can hear is our shaky breaths as fear continues to travel through us. A million thoughts are going through my mind, however, the safety of everyone still in the club sticks to the top of my mind. There were so many people in there even though we had just opened. The servers. The college students. Tyler. David. Marcel. Are they all okay?

I quickly cover my mouth when I hear someone walking around from a few rows over. They're calm. Paced. They're walking with a purpose. And they are looking for us. I know they are.

I can see Smitty shaking next to me as they start coming closer to us. Tears start filling his eyes as they get louder. Whoever they belong to, they aren't saying a word.

Then, we hear silence again. They stopped...

Smitty reaches over and takes my hand...

We look at each other, and he mouths the words, I love you...

We hear a click...

I shut my eyes...

Then the world stops when two loud bangs sound off and I feel something wet and warm hit my face.

I don't want to open my eyes. Tears roll down my face as I hear several more clicks go off through the ringing in my ears. The next thing I hear is Tyler and David yelling, a mix of angry screams, and a single "oh my god".

I cover my face with my arm as I squeeze Smitty's hand, hoping to feel him squeeze back...

But he never does.

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now