Suprise Visit

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Koro-Sensei's POV;

I was walking to class and when I enter I see everyone staring at something back by Karma's desk. I then see Natsumi's head pop up then back down. I then see Karma's pop up and he then says, "I didn't take it, woman!" I then see a fist make contact with his face and then he says, "That was way weaker!" I then see the fist go down and then they both stand up and then do this to each other;

 I then see Karma's pop up and he then says, "I didn't take it, woman!" I then see a fist make contact with his face and then he says, "That was way weaker!" I then see the fist go down and then they both stand up and then do this to each other;

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They then see I'm there and share evil looks and then Karma does a crying face and then points to her and then says, "She thinks I stole her tie!" She is now searching through his bag and pulls out a tie. She puts on the tie in a second and then brings out a black tie out of her sock and then she says, "Oh I did have my tie?" She then has a very evil look on her face and then walks up to Karma and button-ups his shirt and then does the is the second overcoat and then does his tie and tucks it in. I then say, "Are you like Karma's mom or something." She shakes her head no and then has a shadow over her eyes and then in a flash, she is in front of me with the knife to kill me. I don't move and then she looks up at me with a death glare that terrifies me I shiver and then go into liquid stage but she grabs me and puts me in a jar. She stares into the jar and then says, "Don't ever say the word mother in front of me ever again." 

I shiver and then she leaves and when she does I go into regular form and then I help the students study. At P.E time I see Natsumi there training with them but doing the movements so fast you can't even see them. Then Karasuma says, "Okay students free fight. "We both sit next to each other and then we hear, "Hey Natsumi! Wanna fight?!" I hear a sure and when we look up we see Karma have a knife to her throat. She then smirks and then elbows him in the gut grabs the knife while it is in midair and then 'stabs' him in the chest with the knife to kill me.

Everyone stares at them until the girl looks at Karma and then she says, "You know we can change the deal so it isn't you that has to kill me before I physical body dies along with my mental body." I then see Nagisa run towards her with a real knife but she then disappears and reappears behind Nagisa and elbows him in the back and he falls down. I see her then get up and then I see a man wearing a suit come out and then before Natsumi can run and then the man grabbed her arm and she didn't even try to run.  She faces the man and then grabs a gun out from under her skirt and holds it to the man's head. The man then quickly stab the girl's side where she falls down in pain. I run to help her but then he shots the gun she had straight in my stomach.

Fall over in pain and then Karma goes up to the man calmly and when the man was going to shot him Karma caught the bullet. The man then says, "Oh. Hello Karma." I stare in shock and then Karma walks up to the man and pushes him away from Natsumi. Karma then picks up Natsumi and then puts her in the grass then the man disappeared and reappeared behind Karma but Karma turned around so quickly also pulling the knife out and kicks the man really far. I look at  Karma with shock until he goes to his task and gives her stitches and bandages. Karasuma then asks, "How did you kick him away?" Karma then says, "I trained with them a little. I know his limits but not hers anymore. Cause I've only beat this girl in a fight once."

We looked at him shocked until Karma then says, "I vowed when I was five that I'd be the one to kill her." We all then gasp and then again the man stands up and reappears in front of Karma but again Karma sees this and kicks him very far this time. I see everyone then look at him until I then ask, "So who is he?"Karma looks me dead in the eyes and then he says, "Mr Nashio... also known as Natsumi's father." 

Nagisa's POV;

Wait so that girl has a messed up family and crazy strength?! I then see Karma petting her hair while she was unconscious. I wonder if they have feelings for each other? It's possible. 


We were eating lunch and I say Natsumi and Karma eating with each other. I then walk over and then ask, "Do you two have feelings for each other." They both spray out their water and start choking on it. Once they recovered they both then say, "NO WAY IN HELL!" I then say, "But you guys would be a cute couple." Karma then starts laughing so much that he falls to the ground and then She says, "No." Then Karma says, "OH GOSH THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Natsumi then says, "No we're just friends." They then continue eating and I walk back to my group. They then ask, "Why did Karma scream, ' OH GOSH THAT'S DISGUSTING'"? I then say, "I only asked them if they liked each other." 

After lunch, Natsumi left and then Karma walked over to me and then says, "So why did you ask that question?" I then say in a calm voice, "Well let's see this morning you two were fighting weirder than usual, She made you look nice this morning and you haven't complained all day about it, you two fought and pin each other down all the time, ate lunch together, saved her... and not to mention your guys bonds." Karma then starts laughing and then he says, "Our parents our friends so basically best friends since birth. We think of each other like friends and only friends sometimes siblings. Plus that is what we normally do and I'm not complaining about the clothes because well if I did my butt would be sent to Hawaii." I laugh and then he says, "Only friends and as I quote earlier, ' OH GOSH THAT'S DISGUSTING!'" I laugh even harder and then we start studying for exams.

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