Storm Nashio

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Nagisa's POV;

I was walking to school when I see Natsumi looking at the ground. I walk over to her and then say, "Hey what's wrong?" She looks at me and gives me a light smile and then says, "Nothing don't worry!" I then nod and then say, "Last nights homework was pretty hard wasn't it?" She nods and then says, "I'm not going to lie but I really love your class!" I smile and then quickly try to attack her when she roundhouse kicks me. I stare up in defeat and then say, "Well that woke me right up." I hear her laugh and then she holds out her hand and I grab it. She helps me up and then says, "Sorry." I nod and then I say, "Well I mean it was out of self-defence." She nods and then I hear, "HEY NATSUMI!" I then see a kind of on the edge Karma running towards us. She doesn't even look at him and then he brings out a knife.

She then looks at him and then quickly turns around and roundhouse kick him too. She then says after taking his knife this, "Karma you only have two weeks left you know that right?" He nods and then he says, "Just make it easier and stay still so I can kill you." I see her smile and then she says, "But what's the fun in that!" I nod in agreement and then she says, "DAMNIT WE START IN FIVE MINUTES!" I panic until she grabs Karma and I's hands and then boom we are in the classroom and I am in my seat and so are Natsumi and Karma. I sit there and the class begins. After a lot of boring lessons, it is time for lunch.

We walk outside and then see Asano. I then see Natsumi looked ticked off then walk over to him. I look at her and then all of a sudden they were both smiling at each other. I then see Karma walk over and say something to Asano that made him look concerned. I then hear Okuda then say, "Hey Natsumi can you try some of this?" I see her nod when all of a sudden I see Asano walk off and Natsumi disappear? I run over and when I arrive I see Karma pick up a little Natsumi. I then say, "What just happened to the scary Nashio?" Karma then starts laughing at her and puts her on the ground. She then glares at him and then roundhouses kicks him into a nearby tree. She then sees me and then says, "Pwetty Gwrl!" I then shrink and then Karma then gets up and then says, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

I see her death glare at him and then she says, "You waughed at me." He then says, "Okay little Natsumi who is your best friend?" She stares at him with excitement and then says, "Karwa Awabwne!" He laughs and then points at himself and then says, "Well that's me!" She glares at him more and then says, "No! You awen't! Ywu is a big kid!" We all are now laughing at her and then she starts crying. Karma then takes off her bandage on her cheek and it has nothing there but the one on her nose it was a tiny cut. She looks at him and then looks at Koro-Sensei and then says, "SCARY MONSTER! DID PAPA HIRE YOU?!" He then says, "No little one. I am Koro-Sensei" She looks at him and then runs towards him and hugs him.

We all watch the moment when Okuda then throws at potion at her and boom she looks like she is ten. She looks at Karma and starts crying. I wonder why... she then runs towards him and hugs him. Karma then says, "Why what's wrong with you!" She then starts balling and then says, "MOMMA DIED! KARMA LEFT ME! JOKESTER (Do you know where this name came from?:3) MADE ME START CUTTING PLEASE LET KARMA COME BACK!" We stare at her with shock when she turns into a thirteen-year-old? She then says, "I need to find Asano move." We stare at her with shock and then she looks like she is gone... We then see a vision of all of us killing Koro-Sensei and we didn't see 

We then see Natsumi looking her normal age now and then she says, "What happened to you guys?" We start staring at her and then Karma hugs her. We all do even Koro-Sensei... We then see the principle and a man with black hair walking over towards us... I see Natsumi walk towards them and then the man says, "I will be taking this girl now... She is worthless anyway..." I see the principle nod in agreement and then Karma looks at them with fear and then I recognize the man as Natsumi's dad. He takes her and then says to us, "You changed her for the worst! She is going against me!" He then walks off with a sad Natsumi Nashio...

Koro-sensei then looks at Karma and then he says, "What just happened?" Karma looks at all of us and then says, "I have to kill her in three days so say your goodbyes during that time!" We nod and then I say, "But you can kill her in the next two weeks so why in three days?" He looks at us and then he says, "She gonna die if I don't do it sooner anyways!" We look at him shocked and then I see a single tear run down his face. This must be tough for him I mean he has to kill his best friend in three days... Why?

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