Unkillable Killed

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Karma's POV;

Today is going to be the day I kill my best friend... The whole class and I are going to make this the best last day for her. We are walking to the main campus where we will meet Asano and just so you know Koro-Sensei is in disguise and then we all look at each other weirdly... We pick up Asano and then I see Natsumi walking down the hall. She looks at us and smiles and then she says, "Why are you all on the main campus? Well minus you Asano..." We look at her and then Isogai says, "We wanted to go on a field trip somewhere and Asano has to come to supervise. 

She looks at us strangely and smiles she then says, "OKAY! Where are we going?" We then say, "Well we are going to the carnival then clothes store, dagger store, and then to a cliff..." She smiles at us then says, "Okay let's go!" We then in our heads think, 'She's in a great mood this  makes everything three-times worse.' We then head to the carnival and then Natsumi drags me to a stall that has to aim for a stuffed animal. She then says, "Whoever wins gets the stuffed animal and decide what we do next!"  We start and I win and then I say, "The Ferris Wheel!" She nods and we meet Asano on the way and bring him with us. We are on the ride and then Asano says, "This is nice..."

Natsumi nods in agreement while I just stare out. Natsumi then says, "Must be nice to get away from your father's awful study treatment." He nods and then I say, "You guys don't go on field trips with your class?" They both shake their heads no and then Natsumi says, "Even though I can go anywhere I want I never went there and classes D-A don't go on field trips..." We then finish up and head to a clothes store where Natsumi bought me this;

" We then finish up and head to a clothes store where Natsumi bought me this;

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Now I'm going to feel even worse about killing her... We start walking to the dagger store when Natsumi then says, "Why are we going to places I always like or love?" We start freaking out when I then say, "No reason come on let's continue..." She nods and follows us and then After that we went to a cliff and then Natsumi says, "This is a nice cliff my mother is buried near here somewhere."  She then looks at me and then says, "Karma I want to die here... Right on this cliff... it is peaceful around this area and also pleases when you do kill me... promise that you will never forget me...?" I nod and then I say, "Let's stay here for just a little longer please?"

-Timeskip---- brought to you by Aki's cuteness-

We stayed there for an hour until she stands up and then says, "Karma I want you to kill me right here on this cliff with the sunset. Got it?" I nod and then I say, "Natsumi you where the best friend anyone could ask for but..." "But what Karma?" She stares at me with a look of happiness and then I say, "Do you really want to die  that bad Natsumi?" I see a shadow go over her eyes and then she says, "Karma how would you feel if, Your best friend left you, Crush rejected you, mother died, Father abused you, started cutting and then finally being torn apart from life?" I then see tears running down her face and then I hug her which she returns.

I then rip off her bandage to show her fighting for life scar and her bandage on her nose. I stare at her and then I say with tears running down my face this, "I'm going to miss you so much!" She looks at me and then says, "These scars are my battle scars... But I will miss you too Karma... But promise me something Karma..." I nod and then she says, "Promise me that when I die... You will never forget your best friend please?" I nod and then I say, "I will never forget my first friend I promise!" 

I then grab the knife she wanted me too kill her with and then stab her right in the chest... She quickly smiles and falls to the floor. She then says, "Karma... I will always protect you..." I then start crying on her when she starts turning into fireflies... Everyone then comes out and hugs me while crying. Asano then hugs me and then says, "We will always remember her..." I nod and then start balling... Until I then see her diary for this year. I grab it and look at it with tears in my eyes.

Koro-Sensei then hugs me with everything and then says, "We will all miss our lovely friend... She might have been really violent to students but she was really kind and sweet to all... We will never forget her." Nagisa then hugs me really tight and then he says, "I will miss her so much!" All the girls didn't really have anything to say but us guys had a lot to say since we read her diary but she was my best friend... Why did I agree to kill her?

'KARMA!" My five-year-old self-looks at her and then says, "What is it Natsumi?" She looks at me with dull eyes and then says, "You have to promise me that you will kill me." My young self-head nods and then she smiles and then says, "GREAT! NOW LET'S PLAY!" 

I then start crying more and then I say, "IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID PROMISE!" I then fall down crying again... Why does this always happen to me?

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