Best Friends Chat

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Natsumi's POV;

I was sitting on a bench when I hear tons of students start to talk trash about class 3-E. I walk over to them with a deadly look and then say in a deadly voice, "You know you should stop talking trash about them. Plus they're way nicer than you and already have my trust and respect, unlike you guys.~" I see them stiffen up and then I start walking away until one of them screams, "Even that Karma guy that you beat up in the hall today?" I hear them snicker and high-five thinking that they won the argument. I turn and look at them and then say, "Yes It may not look like it but I respect him dearly." I see them stiffen and go quiet, then I hear Karma's footsteps coming up behind me. So I turn around quickly and flip him on his back and slam him hard into the ground.

Everyone then goes quiet and then I say, "Karma you can't sneak up on me and punch me. It doesn't work like that." I see him go mad and then he says, "You suck you know that right?" I nod in agreement and then all the students gasp and then I scream, "MIND YOU DAMN OWN BUSINESS!" They all go back to there business because they are scared that I will hurt them. I then punch him in the face and then say, "Karma you are late." He gets up and then says, "I know. But I do it on propose to piss you off." I then look at him and then say, "Karma this is serious." He then goes all serious while we are facing each other I then say, "Karma you know my mother well she died and my dad's been making training three times harder."

Karma nods and then says, "I bet your dad's gonna be pissed when he learns you are going to class 3-E." I nod and then say, "That's true. I would be surprised if he came on campus though... Because he doesn't really care for me anymore." Karma then points to his class and then says, "Hey if you need anything remember you can talk to me." I nod and then say, "But Karma our childhood bet still continues so you have to kill me and it has to be you or you will be classified as weak for the rest of your life. Got it?" He nods and then walks away. I then go to my seat and then eat my food quietly. And Also I get ready for the bullying that will happen later today.

Karma's POV;

I go to were my class is and sit down with my lunch and then Ritsu asks, "What did the girl want?" I then look at my phone and then say, "Just wanted someone to talk to... That all I mean she is my best friend." I then hear heavy footsteps and see a man with black hair and blue eyes standing in front of me. The man then says, "Karma long time no see." I look at him and then know who he is. I then look at him and then say, " Mr Nashio your daughter really doesn't want to see you. And also her grades are fine so it isn't her grades getting her down. It's the fact that she is like an assassin and is a threat to the safety of students." He scoffs and leaves the building then  Sugino walks up to me and then says, "Who was that." I don't respond but Ritsu then says, "That man was here for the Natsumi girl." He nods and then sits next to me and then I hear a knife being unseeded.

I look everywhere and then see Miss. Jelavic has a knife out and throws it at my friend and before anyone can say anything I say, "Don't tell her.." They nod and then Natsumi catches it without turning around. Nagisa then says, "I thought only Koro-Sensei could do that!?" I shake my head no and then I walk up to her with everyone watching and have a knife hidden and walk up to my friend and then say, "Hey Natsumi how are you?" She shakes her head up and down and closes her eyes. I grab my knife and she catches it with her eyes still closed and then she then says, "Karma I can hear you." I have shock written all over my face and then she is pinning me to the ground and sits on my stomach with a knife over her head.

She looks at me and then says, "Here's the thing Karma I can't kill you. You are supposed to kill me first." She then calms down and lets her guard down so I grab the bandage on her cheek and then rip it off and kick her off. I then see her crouched over holding the cheek. She then faced me with teary eyes. I then notice the blood seeping out of her hands. I then realize what I did and then I look at the bandage and see it all bloody I then go through her bag and all the students watching so I grab her medical kit in her bag and clean the cut on her face and bandage it. She says thank you.

So I leave. I then head back and then Okuda says, "What happened and why was she crying?" I then say, "Some things deserve to say in the past and that cut definitely needs to stay in the past and never come back." Everyone stares at me with shock. We then finish lunch and then Mr Karasuma walks in and then says, "Sorry But Miss. Nashio won't be joining us until after exams." We all then say okay. Then most of the girls then run up to me and then say, "What does she like?" And stuff like that. I, of course, don't tell them because no one and I mean no one is taking my friend away friend from me. It's always going to be like that until we graduate collage.

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