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Karma's POV;

Sooo. I walk into my classroom and then instantly I see a worried Koro-Sensei. I walk up to him and then say, "What you so worried about Teach?" He then starts shaking and then shows me a paper that says this, 

'Class 3-E,

I really want Natsumi Nashio to stay in class 3-A! So in order to see what class she will be staying in... we are going to have a soccer game... If you don't come then we immediately get to keep, Natsumi Nashio. So, in other words, the prize is Miss. Nashio. Hope you come and play with us!

-Class 3-A'

I then crumbled up the paper and then say, "We are going!" Everyone looks at me and then say, "Why?" I get angry and then say, "CAUSE I WORKED TO HARD ON EXAMS AND I NEED IT TO BE EASIER TO KILL HER!" Everyone stares at me with shock and then I also say, "Also I worked to damn hard.... and I promised that I would kill her by graduation!" Nagisa then says, "Okay soccer here we come!" I nod and then I say, "But it's probably only boys that can play so sorry girls." They nod and then I say, "So who is the best at sports?"

-Time Skip-

We are arriving on the field and then I see my best friend reading a manga.  I then walk over and then say, "So what are you reading?" She then hits me with the manga and then she says, "I am reading Naruto." I start laughing and then Asano walks over and then says, "So what are laughing about?" Natsumi smiles at him and then says, "I am reading Naruto and it has Naruto doing stupid things! What's there not to laugh about!?" I then grow my Devil horns and tail and then say, "Hey Natsumi! I just remembered something quite important!" They both look at me and then I pull the two of us in a bath photo.

I see her blush and then she says, "YOU LITTLE RED HAIRED DEVIL!" I see Asano standing there confused. I then run over to him and then say, "That photo had me and her in a bath when we were younger." I see him blush and then I see Natsumi spraying on sunscreen and then I grab her and run off. Asano then says, "Okay let the games begin!" I then drop Natsumi and before she leaves she says, "Please win Karma!" She then runs to her place and begins reading. After the first part of the game, class 3-A was winning and surprisingly they weren't cheating.

After the game was done we won but by one point and then when we were going to collect our prize she wasn't there. I looked everywhere for her but she wasn't there. I then look at the back of the building and see a very bloody Natsumi. I run over and before she passes out she says, "Karma you promised!" With tears running down her face. I then see the person and am facing someone dressed in all black. They then say, "You don't belong in this story." I pick her up and carry her. 

After all of that Asano then asks, "What happened to her?" I look at him and then say, "Assassination Attempt." I then look down the hall to see a man with black hair with red at the tips and the boy has a different school uniform then us. The boy then says, "That girl needs to be killed and I want that bounty!" I then run towards the guy and punch him in the face. Then I see a flash of black and white go threw my vision. I then see the guy being pinned down by Natsumi who is covered in bandages and has a deadly look in her eyes. She then says, "So you want to kill me?~" She then grows devil horns and a devil tail and then she says, "If you are killing me then you must have some bounty huh?~" He nods an blushes but who wouldn't she kills you when she is on your stomach or can hurt you badly. She then grabs him by the shoulders and then grabs his head and slams him into the ground.

He falls unconscious but I start laughing while Asano is looking at me weird. I then see Natsumi glare at me. Next thing I know she is on my stomach holding a knife over her head and then she says to me, "Die Karma!" She then realizes what she's doing in front of a regular student and stops. She then looks at Asano and says, "Don't ever speak of this!" He nods and then she puts the knife in my hands. She then gets off me and then I look at the knife and put it in my pocket. She then says, "You were supposed to kill me with that knife Karma." I shake my head and then I say, "But I'm going to kill you next month in March! I can promise you that!" Asano then says, "Why do you even like that 3-E class anyways...?"

Natsumi then says, "Well one they are pretty smart for being the 'end' class and also it's fun there unlike in class 3-A."I then smirk at him and we both walk away. When we arrive at the classroom Natsumi and I walk in and then slice off six of Koro-Sensei's tentacles. We both are smiling at him and then he says, "Well that was very impressive! Now Miss. Nashio. You will sit next to Karma." We both grow out devil horns and tail again and high five each other and then everyone but us two says, "That was a terrible choice..." 

We both then sit down and then at the end of class Natsumi says to me,  "I think I will like it here! Also tomorrow let's play a prank on Koro-Sensei!" She then gets the evil arua and the devil horns and tail. I agree and then not known to us someone says, "Those two are insane."

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