Your Life Flashes Before You

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Karma's POV;

I was two hours early to school with Natsumi... We put together a plan on the what and that is to put a ton of dirty stuff around the whole room and then kill him while he is distracted. But some of this porn made me nosebleed so when the pervs of the class see this their noses will be shooting blood which is why we aren't going to let anyone in until Koro-Sensei arrives and we will purposely arrive a little bit later to show that we didn't plan this. Once we were done it was 10 minutes before school starts and I could hear some of the traps we set off go off. After that everyone was there and Koro-Sensei opens the door to show all the dirty stuff.

All of the students plus yourselves call him irresponsible. He then denies that the dirty stuff is his but it actually is... We grabbed all the dirty stuff from his desk so... Then Natsumi and I to an attack him and manage to get two of his legs and five tentacles. He looks at us and then says, "Was this part of your assassination for me?" We nod and then continue our day after we pick it up...

After that, We went to gym class and started training. But during training, we saw a kitty and before anyone could touch it. The cat ran away... I hear a huge sad sigh and then I say, "hey Natsumi wanna fight?" She nods yes and we began to fight and when it ends she looks at the ground and then says, "Karma I need you to kill me this month." I look at her and see her about to break down. So she holds out her pinky and then says, "Promise me that you will kill me this month!" I promise her and then she smiles and says, "Thank you."

After that day it was getting harder and harder to get the courage to kill my best friend. It's been a week since that day and trust me if you only have basically two friends and one you basically since birth and you have to kill them that takes a lot of courage... I sit by a cliff and then I hear this, "Old Man get away from me!" I see Natsumi on a cliff with her father. I see her back up and then start falling from the cliff. As people say, "When you are going to die your life flashes before your eyes... So what is going threw yours right now? I ask while run towards her. 

Natsumi's POV;

When I fell off the cliff it felt like everything was going in slow motion. I see a memory flash on my eyes...

'"Daddy, Daddy! help me find mommy!" I see him smile and then say, "Let's go find your mommy!" Then Five year old me running to find my mother. -different memory now- "Karma! Karma! Where are you?" I hear a bush rustle and see Karma pop out. He then says, "Sorry! I was grabbing something for you!" he then pulls out a flower and tucks it behind my ear. *laughes*"Thank you Karma!" -flash!- "Daddy? When is mommy coming home?" My dad looks at me with sad dead eyes and then says, "Sweety mommy is never coming back home..." -FLASH!- *Slap* *Crash* *Scream* *repeat* "Daddy why are you hurting me?" He looks at me and then says, "You are the reason she DIED!" Then those same sounds over and over again... -FLASH- "What do you mean you are leaving Karma?" Karma looks at me with a shadow over his eyes and then he says, "I have to switch schools but I did promise that I would kill you so we HAVE to see each other Again! So don't die before then!" I smile with tears running down my face and say "Okay Karma but please don't forget me!" -Flash- I see myself getting bullied so many times and cutting and abuse! -Flash- "OW! HEY, WATCH WERE YO--- Karma?" -Flash- "I DIDN'T TAKE ANYTHING FROM YOU WOMAN!" -FLASH- "Promise me that you will kill me this month!" He promises and I smile and then say, "Thank you."

I come back to reality and land in a tentacle web that has Karma and I trapped in it. I see Koro-Sensei smiling at me and then I say, "Thank you Koro-Sensei and Karma!" I then flash a smile at them. Karma then says, "What was it like having your life like flashing before you?" I then say to him with a smile and say, "I have to say... It could've been a lot worse!" We all then start laughing. I say thank you to Karma and when I face Koro-Sensei I run up to him and hug him. He takes caution of course cause he thought I was trying to kill him.

He hugs back and then says, "Okay kid so tomorrow I will see you in class and don't be late pleased?" I nod and then smile at him, I then hear a voice say, "You idiot of a girl! This is why you are in E- cl----" I then slap the man and then say, "The reason isn't because of my stupid grades! It's because of my violent nature! Thanks to you! If you would have put that brain of yours to work then you would have thought that mom died because of trying to save me because she actually LOVED me UNLIKE YOU!" He then starts backing up and then I say, "Made if you loved me you would've actually noticed!" I then stormed away from the man I call my father.

I think 3-E has changed me for the better thank you class 3-E... I'll cherish you when I am dead this month I promise!

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