Meet Natsumi Nashio

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Karma's POV;

I was walking to class when I bump into a female with a huge bandage on her cheek, one on her nose too but much smaller, black hair with a huge white streak going through it. Of course the uniform...very short hair, blue eyes that have eye bags and basically my childhood rival. She then looks at me and then says, "Karma!" I look at her and then say, "Natsumi..." We both then throw a fist at each other and then a knife is being thrown at her back which she catches my fist and catches the knife. I look at her with shock and I grab her old phone. I then run off without her noticing and make a run for it. Once I arrive I sit at my desk and school starts. Koro-Sensei takes attendance while we were trying to kill him. After attendance, he then says, "Someone's coming quick pick up!" We quickly pick up and incomes in Natsumi with a deathly aura and then she sees me and then says, "Karma!" And in a blink of an eye, she is pinning me to the ground. She is sitting on my stomach and as a knife over her head and then she says, "You didn't say sorry and took my phone Karma!" Koro-Sensei tries walking towards her to stop her but then she grabs the government knife and cuts off six tentacles and then she says, "Back off octopus." 

We both then get up and then throw our fist at each other. And then once again Koro-Sensei tries to stop us in that awful disguise and then We both have government guns and then I keep missing him but on her first shot, she got him on the hand. He stops and we all look at her with shock including myself and I return her phone to her. She nods and then slams my face on Isogai's desk. All I see is darkness after that.

Koro-Sensei's POV;

I stare in amazement and then she says, "Koro-Sensei I already know what you look like I'm not an idiot." She then looks at Karma and even though he's knocked out she grabs his head and then slams it onto the desk again but harder. I then say, "So are you a new student to class---" She interrupts me with this, "No I am not a transfer student to this class. I am in class 3-A but I still respect you guys but this twerp!" She then grabs him by the hair holding him up and then points at him and says, "And I are going to have a chat at lunch." I stand there in shock and then she throws him into the seat of his desk and at that moment Miss. Jelavic walks in and sees blood and me missing tentacles and the girl. She then pulls out a knife and tries to strike the girl with it.

The girl dodges and then holds a knife to Miss. Jelavic's neck and then she says, "Just so you know I don't want any of you to kill me... I want Karma to kill  me." She then removes the knife and walks off. Karma then wakes up and then says, "She beat me up again didn't she?" We all nod and then I ask him, "Karma? Who is that girl and what's your relation to her?" He looks at us bored and then says, "Her name is Natsumi Nashio. She is 14 going 15 this year. she is a Junoir like us in class A. And  she is my childhood best friend!" We stare in shock until he runs out of the classroom and we follow, we then see him aiming an actual knife at the girl and boom she catches it.

She stops and then says, "You can't kill me that easily Karma." She then turns to us with the wind blowing in her hair and says this, "Karma I want you to kill me by the end of the school year got it?" He stands there and nods and then she lightly smiles and then points the knife at me and says, "Koro-Sensei I swear I will kill you." She then throws the knife at me and I caught it. She then walks away. I then say, "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE KARMA?!" He looks at me and then says, "Oh Natsumi... well she's basically a human weapon that can probably destroy as much as you and she's not even down with her training yet." We all scream but Karma scream this, "WHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA?!" 


Nagisa's POV;

Karasuma  walk in and then says, "So I heard about what happened this morning with the girl and Karma." We nod and then he says, "We also need to assassinate her. She is worth as much as Koro-Sensei." We all have shocked looking and then I say, "But sir she said herself that she wants to be killed by Karma!" He nods and then he looks at Karma and says, "Karma we are going to need to know everything about her and are transferring her to class 3-E." We all have shocked looks and then say, "Does she have that bad of scores." He shakes his head no and then says, "No she has great scores. The best in the school, but she wants to kill Koro-Sensei and lots want to kill her so we are transferring her here." 

Then the Principle walks in and says, "I heard you want the girl Miss. Nashio?" We all nod and then he says, "Be warned... She is terrifying the only one she actually made acquaintance with is... Asano and it seems that it." All of us disagree and then Karma says, "That's information isn't true! I'm her childhood best friend and rival!" The principal looks at Karma and then says, "Poor boy." Then leaves, We then hear Karma curses and then he says, "I forgot that I have to 'talk' with her later..." We all start laughing and then Karma is figiting so hard. I wonder what will happen at lunch later.

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