Chapter 19

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Greta's POV.

I felt so trapped. I hate this memory. I detest it  .Why is it coming back ?

I have always tried to block it out ;to feel like i never watched it happen : the murder of my sister .

Victor De Rosas first daughter ,Camilla.De Rosas .And now it like nature hates me ...i can't help her ...she just fell down

Terrified of  being useless and helpless while watching my sister take her last breath .

I did the next i knew i could do quite well apart from keeping dirty little secrets.

I screamed as i found myself in my bedroom. It was a nightmare ....i realised gasping . Before i knew it my bedroom door opened as fast as it could . It was my maid ,Esperanza

"Ma'am, are you okay" ?, Esperanza asked

"Get me Nicholas and i think i will be and pour me water in a glass am a little bit thirsty", i said sighing .

""Yes ma'am" , she said as she swiftly poured water into a cup and handed it over to me before leaving the room to carry out the orders i gave her.

Oh my goodness ! I cant believe i had this nightmare again and that is why i really need to talk to Nicholas to tell him the truth .I think it time for me to get justice for her.

I know Camilla is dead and bring up her case could upset mom and dad but i dont care . All i want is justice for her .

That why i have decided to tell Nicholas everything i saw and he will investigate and find evidence if there is still one anyway since its been years since it happened.

Oh mother forgive me for doing this but i wont rest until i find justice for camille. If that idiot hadn't done what he did to her she will still be alive and happy .

And I ,Greta De Rosas everything in my power to get justice for Camilla.even if it is the last thing i do.

I guess some secrets are not meant to remain secrets after all.

Nicholas POV.

I walked into the lab and believe me the last thing i want to do after the night i just shared with queen is investigating a crime .

But i have to do it ,if not people like Victor will not pay for their crimes and they will end up bringing up criminals and increasing the crime rate of the society

"What is going on ? I am here now" , i said before giving a sigh.

"Bad night , Nicholas" ?,   asked Jackie

"Not really am just tired of chasing leads and ending up with nothing at the end . All his crimes of murders and illegal trafficking are just so flawless and our high level resources can't even help at all" , i said frustrated

""Don't worry ,we will get he and Stephanie and bring them to justice . We just have to keep trying and not   give up . I have something for you though ".

"Please kindly keep me from exploding and tell me it  does not  involve a body " .

""Oh please don't start with your whining .So i was  checking to see if there was any illegal link between Victor and Stephanie and i think i found one", she explained while typing her laptop furiously and couple of images came up.

"Oh crap really now i have to see images of corpses " , i said feeling nauseated .

"Javier will you let me talk, believe me its worth it " , she  said still typing on her laptop furiously and then she stopped .

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