Chapter 6

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Forgive me will you.? I know! I know you probably hate me for updating so late, I am so sorry believe me when I say that as I am not someone that likes apologizing but I am sure of one thing you are really going to like this chapter.

Queen POV.

I entered the room which according to what victor just said a few minutes ago will always be mine. My mind keeps reminding me of what victor's monstrous voice said to me immediately I stepped into his office.

*******************************************Flashback *******************************************************

"How is my most favourite lover doing? ", Victor asked sarcastically staring at me intently as if reading my thoughts." Asuncion would you get me a cup of coffee ".

" Yes sir". Asuncion replied and left.

What type of man is Victor, why did he save me and by any chance couldn't save his own brother ? Yes Nicholas once told me that they might share the same father but have different mothers so by any chance if Nicholas is really dead, is Victor responsible for this ?, he is not even mourning neither does he has a sober face, just who are you Victor De Roses ?, who the heck are y.........

"What I do not understand exactly is if I am talking to a ghost or a human . Wake up Queen i've been talking to you since heaven knows when and if you haven't noticed Asuncion has arrived from getting me the cup of coffee I requested of", he said calmly .

"Silence are you dumb or w........ ", was what Victor asked, before I asked a question that startled him.

" Where is Nicholas Victor, I need to see him " I said as calmly as I could, sure he was startled but then regained his composure and bursted into what he would call a laughter, I mean who laughs like a monster except for Victor De Roses .

" Nicholas is dead, Queen", he said those words with so much hatred and conviction as if telling me to take it or live it.

"No,this cannot be the love of my life is not dead ", I said and claimed as if rejecting a prophesy." What did you do to him Victor? Where did you bury him? Besides why were you able to save me and couldn't save him. NO! NO! I know in my heart that my darling is alive Victor "I said crying out loud.

" Why can't you get it into your brain that Nicholas is dead or didn't Stephanie deliver my me message. He is dead Queen, that is what happened to him and it is time you stop calling him those sweet names you refer him to, it is time to start calling those names the ones, NO one but me should be referred to". he said those words silently but threateningly.

"Nicholas is my only love, my one and only love, Victor and he will also be my last no matter what you do and don't even think of asking me to marry you because I won't", I said with my head high with all confidence even though I was just wearing a knee_length blue night robe.

"Really, Queen are you sure you won't marry me ",he gave me a cruel smile hinting me that what was going to happen in a few minutes time wasn't going to be pleasant neither was it going to be a good tale, He then opened one of his drawers which was made of gold and brought out a sheet of paper which he handed over to me, one that when I read gave me a mixed feelings of sorrow, happiness, bitterness and hope.

"What!, I am two months old pregnant of Nicholas baby, my love I am gonna have your baby, my darling, our baby my love ", I said jumping around the room happily and shedding tears of joy in which Asuncion also joined in my celebrations by hugging me.

" Point of correction Queen my darling its our baby, me and you and no one is to know about it Asuncion do I make myself clear ". Victor said.

" What, victor what are you talking about, this child is Nicholas and everyone would know that ", I said losing half of my confidence.

" I am not done sweet heart and you already started celebrating, you seem to have that we are getting married so it is our baby. And if you tell this to anyone that I am not this baby biological father then I will kill this baby and as for you Asuncion you have watched me eliminate people who can't keep their mouth closed I am sure you wouldn't want to be in their shoes . You are dismissed Queen I am sure you can find your way around here it's not that big is it ? If not there is a guard at the door tell him to lead you to your room, the room you that will always remain yours unless i die which I am not going to be doing so soon". Victor ended his speech laughing sadistically leaving me scared for my life and that of my baby's as I left his office that evening.

***************************************end of flashback********************************************************

I bursted into tears crying out tears of anger and pain ill_luck of mine on the expensively laid out rug that now belongs to me.

Stephanie POV

I entered Victors office with mixed feelings of happiness and grief "How dare you Victor I thought we were going to pretend to kill Nicholas you coldblooded_psychopath_of_a_murderer" I said practically agricultural.

"Look at pot calling kettle black, I mean who is the soon to be coldblooded murderer here who intends on killing her husband or should I say his succeeded in killing her husband. Poor Anthony may his perfect soul rest in peace, am I right Stephanie "Victor laughed at Stephanie mockingly.

" No Victor the right farewell sentence to that bastard is may is imperfect soul rot in eternal hell. Hmm Victor that is the right one besides we are both coldblooded murderers".

"Let's forget about that Stephanie, how is my daughter doing"

"Our daughter Victor, she is our daughter ", I corrected.

Can you believe it Stephanie and Victor have a daughter no wonder they have this undying relationship Hmph .

Who pities Queen and her baby, oh I feel so bad pls i need tissues I cannot dry all these tears.

Who liked this chapter then




Bye for now.

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