Chapter 9.

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Queen's POV.

I shivered in fear as I watched the body that was being packed into the bodybag I can't believe it, a man murdered in my own shop. And much more scary ,his mouth was sewn shut .

Oh God please help me I know i'm not the religious type but please help me to forget this.......his pale and lifeless body with his mouth sewn with needle and thread .

I broke down into tears sobbing and feeling terrified..... I mean am I still in a coma ? ......did I just see the lifeless body of a detective .

My eyes scanned the scene before me and all I see is cops ,detectives from the agency and is that who I think it is coming towards me ?

"Queen are you alright ,tell me were you hurt " ? He asked me as he embraced me , Oh I think Connie was right I fell in love and I'm still in love with Nicholas De Roses.

"I am fine", I said as I bursted into another round of tears and I kept on sobbing on his perfectly sculptured chest and he kept on consoling me.

Suddenly he stiffened and the irritating voice I heard made me realize the reason for that attitude.

"Javier ,my darling I was just looking for Queen" Stephanie said as she made it to our side.

"I'm right here Stephanie "

"Well I came to your shop to see if you could sew me a beautiful gown for my wedding or hasn't Lopez not given you my wedding invitation " ?

What ! Stephanie getting married at her age "And who is the lucky guy Stephie" I said distastefully.

"Well who else but Nicholas De Roses ,my one and only love ,will be my husband to be". She said as I noticed a triumphant look on her face as she smiled.

I moved away from Javier as soon as i heard it ,bile rose up to my throat as I felt like puking " You are joking right"

"Of course not ,why will I joke about such a thing ,i've been waiting for this for a long time,so are you going to do it or not" ?

It was Connie that came to my rescue." My God Stephanie Perez Fidal ,you really got some guts , I mean you walked in here seeing all these commotion and you have the gut to request your wedding dress being sewn by Queen .I mean a man was murdered for heaven's sake Stephanie show some respect ".

" And how is that my problem ?,I mean I'm not the murderer and shouldn't you be congratulating me besides I am not asking Queen to do it , I'm ordering her".

"I really pity you Stephanie I think it is high time you leave my shop and never come back ,get out now before I call the security to assist you in doing that and you know how they do that right "? I asked sarcastically.

" It's okay Queen she's gone , now that enough "I was about to reply Javier but he was called to the crime scene.

I can't believe it,why is he getting married to Stephanie must things between us get hard always ? I was interrupted and welcomed back into the land of the living by Christian Taraba , the head of the police department in Las Vegas.

"Queen I need you to give your statement at the station". he said.

"Alright ,let's be on our way".

Victor POV

"So Clara how was school today ?", I asked wondering why she looked so grumpy. I waited for her to answer but the brat won't even look at me.

No response.

"Hey Clara have you gone deaf or what ?". I asked her using the authoritative tone I use for my workers.

"Daddy do you remember the day nanny told me that it's not good for good people to lie and that only bad people lie ?"

So the brat isn't deaf after all besides where is she heading with all of this as I focused my eyes on the road I answered her.

"Of course I remember".

"Then why did you lie to me, daddy"

Oh please don't tell me Queen told Clara that she was in the hospital .She is really trying my patience or has she forgotten that I could still kill Clara.

"Clara I don't know what you are talking about"

"Why did you tell me that mummy left me when she was sick in the hospital"

"Clara your mother is a very bad person and I know you won't believe me anymore but my sweetheart I've been the only one taking care of you"

Which is very true as your mother was in coma because she was getting punished I mean who runs to meet their ex-fiance on their wedding day except for mother and your stupid father was either mourning her or making more money as if being a billionaire is not enough..

"I don't understand you daddy,why are you against mummy ,my classmates at school always tell me lovely tales of how their parents love each other but mine do not".

If only Clara, if only you know how your parent love each other ,if only you know how much I hate it and how much I will do to keep them apart because eight years is not enough to kill or reduce the love they have for each other.

"Oh Clara mummy lied to you I mean who falls sick for eight years ? you know that whenever you and daddy fall sick it's only for a period of three to four days".

Thank you Queen for not telling Clara what happened to you exactly at least I can use that against you.

"You are right daddy I'm sorry for not trusting you alone I guess I just wanted a mother that will love me and when Queen came I liked her but now I know that she's a bad person".

"It's okay Clara we have always been fine without her now listen I will drop you off and tomorrow we will go on a father-daughter's day out " I said as my phone rang knowing the one person that could make my phone give that ringtone .

I dropped Clara home and drove towards the police station. I'm not liking this one bit I thought as I drove faster.

Okay guys who enjoyed this chapter well I enjoyed writing it cos I was very bored.

Okay so I have a surprise for you in the next chapter and for you to get to read it I would like you to





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