Baby Marco and Marca

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The next day after giving birth to twins I was tired and hungry which means that I need food and if I don't have food I feel like I'm dying! But luckily for me that my loving Marco brought me something he went to go see the babies sleeping least one of them anyway Marco was looking at.. Marco smiling at his daddy with a gummy smile aww Jada look my baby boy he has my smile. Yes he does he spoke Spanish then English my boy gonna have chicas all over him before he even hit puberty! Oh no he's not cause mama don't play that don't get them girls gutted like a fish. He laughed Marca then woke up seeing her daddy hey princess sleep well? He cooed before crying.. feeding time.. for both of them then Marco started crying oh great now I have two babies to feed breast feed anyway. After feeding they were calm and quiet which is what I needed because I needed to eat Marco kissed me their so peaceful and quiet looking around hm that's because their nosey and have been fed so that won't nothing else to do with me til it's lunch time he laughed kissing my forehead baby I can't wait to take you guys home. Mr either i get to perform again! Marco looked at me uh baby..? Yes? You.. won't to be able to perform once you get back home. What? Shh calm down you'll get the babies upset what you mean I won't be able to perform once I leave?! Heh well honey you just gave birth to twins and I think you should rest the doctor said that too he said nervously as he went to the babies ok fine so what are you going to do about another dancer and singing partner? We already have a replacement..until you get better he kissed my head leaving daddy will be back to get you guys three days ok? The babies cooed again going to sleep tell them.. I'll be back ok sweetie just rest ok fine I'll rest. He lefted smiling I had to figure out a way to get back in to being Marco's dancing and singing partner how?

Marco De la Cruz lovesick and obsessionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant