Birth of Marco and Marca

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It was finally here! The ninth month of my pregnancy May 28 Tuesday i started contractions but it didn't hurt as much i told Marco he got worried and excited at the same time baby I'm so happy! I know Marco I know I said as got our bag ready to go to the hospital in case my water broke ok babe we have everything? Yup everything don't worry about it you just go get ready for work we'll be fine all three of us right babies? I felt one of them move well at least one agreed with you o giggled as he kissed me good bye ok babies momma is going to get ready in case you guys come early then expected. I took a shower and then got dressed and lotion up ok ready to go I sat down for a while then got back up my friend Rosa was with me today Incase your water breaks call Marco? Yes ahh! What is it?! Just then I felt water running down my legs god! Rose! Ok ok it's ok I'm going to call Marco and tell him ok I said breathing heavy in panic Marco's agent answer the phone if you are looking for Mr De la Cruz he is performing. Look Jada is having the babies! What?! Ok I'll get him Marco just got off the stage Marco Jada's water broke! What?! Ok ok calm down get car we're going to the hospital now. Jada was in the hospital breathing trying to remain calm ok ok Marco will be here shortly just.. keep breathing ok. Marco came in hey babe it's remember to breath in and out in and out- Marco I'M TRYING! AHHH! Ok baby I'm here hold my hand and breath and relax the doctor came in ok Mrs De la Cruz breath in and out and push AHHH!! Ow Jada my arm! Who cares about your arm?! I'm dying over here! One more push Mrs De la Cruz. I pushed the doctor cried so did Marco he smiled crying I looked to see my babies holding each other they then began to cry congratulations Mr and Mrs de la Cruz it's a boy and a girl! You have boy and girl twins we cried as the babies were separated to have their cords cut Marco cut both of them as they got wrapped in their blankets and hats put the their little heads ok their both the same weight and size. So what are their names baby? Well this little princess cab be called Marca and this little guy can be Marco he smiled as he held our little boy Marco cried and cried what's wrong honey? Marca is crying too Marco gave Marco to me both of them stopped crying I see the just wanted to be close to each other of course they were in the womb together and they were born together so it's natural for twins to be together close like this said the nurse ok but we're going to have to separate them for a while to get their hearing test they began to fuss sh it's ok babies momma and daddy is here it's ok sweetie. After their tests were done they held each other close again they look just like you I said to Marco as he watched them sleeping yeah they do the boy has my handsome charming features don't he? Heh yes he do baby he then Kiss me I love you o love you too baby.

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