Part 2

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Part II

"What is he doing here?" Uttered a suave male with hazel eyes. Crossing his arms over his thin but baggy shirt that is a size too big for him. His facial features scrunched in disdain expression as bystanders could see the anger coming off him in waves. If he was angry, his features were said to be enhanced by his emotions.

"I am pretty sure. He goes here now. So you two might need to get the extra energy out before one of the instructors or upper-classmen hall monitors starts to notice the conflict between you two." came the response from one of his friends that have been aware of the multi-dislike that the two boys harbored for each other. The same friend had been quiet during the interaction between Cameron and Josiah considering how she had a crush on Quinn. A girl that is the same age, just like the rest of her friends.

Her name was Stella Piper. A short girl with a cute appearance. She kinda looked like a loli but actually didn't exhibit any of the signs. Though most males that see her for the first time gain a crush on the girl. Much later on, once they see her real personality, its a totally different story.

One thing about this girl is that she is oblivious to her surround and affects those around her. "And? If I knew that I would end up in the same school as him. Then I would pick another school." He replied as he scoffed in response to Stella. He made his way through the throes of other students, a scowl in place. With his posses standing on either side of him.

The girl mention earlier was standing on his left side sporting a playful grin. A playful expression that crossed over her entire face and reached her eyes. As she glanced towards Cameron, who rolled his eyes in response.

On the other side of previous mentions of members were a girl and a boy. Aliyah was on the outer right side of the group, holding her notebook in her left and with one of the straps of her backpack hanging on her shoulders.

She's considered to be the energetic type that always moving. Also with being in a sports club that she joined during registration. Her appearance is lean but slim physical build since she works out almost every day after school.

Next to her was Mateo Thornberg. A small boy that has a tendency to get riled quickly. His appearance is a cherub with light honey tanned skin and a silver trenches cropped at his neck. He actually never brushes his hair so it's always messy. His eyes are a light shade of purple that's hidden by his long bangs. He's known as a loudmouth.

The second to last is Hunter Hall. Hunter has been friends with this mixed group of boys and girls for most of his time in elementary. He's the best friend to the hero of this story but is willing to scold and nag at his friend. If he takes it to far. "I am pretty sure the only reason, Josiah, and Quinn are even going here are because they live nearby. " He responded with a brief glance towards the direction that they were headed to.

"Dude! Don't mention his name!" Shrieks the male lead as he shoots a glare towards his smirking best friend. A thin but unnoticeable blush appearing on his cheeks as he moved faster down the long and busy corridor. Grinding his teeth from irritation of his sworn enemy. Even going as farther away stomping his feet and walking faster to get away from the teasing.

"Aww! Don't want to hear the sound of your sworn enemy name?" Mocked Aliyah as her normally sweet voice was dripping with sarcasm. The shrill and chirpy tone of her voice was not loud but it could be heard among their friends.

Just the sound of her voice causes the others to join in with their teasing. This conversation seemed to continue as the group was halfway down the front office corridor. Which once they were at one of the turning points leading to different parts of the building. Taking a right then heading down to the end and taking a left on the next hallway.

Till they finally made it to the line where they checked out the books. Each core class had a single but medium-sized issued school book filled with information regarding each topic that was going to be covered for the first semester. The line of these books was long and filled the hallway with noise from different grade levels of students.

A variety of students were in front of this particular posses, moving slowly forward since it's the first day of middle school for the incoming sixth-grade students.

There's some lenient towards being late to the first class since the line for the core classes books is always long and slow. It would take more than thirty minutes for the protagonist and his friends to get their books. Unlike the fairy tales where the hero had a godly halo. This one actually did not have one.

It's as if the author had forgotten to make him. An OP character that could defeat his rival with the flick of his fingers. Strangely, this male lead would have to find ways to defeat Josiah with their upcoming conflicts with clever tricks and practicing controlling his weapons.

Cameron would have to practice how to control and usage of his weapon. It was something he knew since his mentor had explicitly told him practicing would help him learn how to move around the battlefield. All he knew that this school would teach him things that he could possibly use in the future.

But at that moment, just like he was trying to hype himself from the long wait ahead of him. Cameron's earlier mood changed from being annoyed to being completely excited about getting into this school. A complete contrast to his earlier actions as he started to bounce on the balls of his feet. Hand clutched into a fist being jolted around like he was playing paper, rock, scissors.

It has not been his actions that have a way his mood. Cameron is an easy book to read. His emotions flipped from one to the one in a matter of minutes. One minute, he could be upset like when he accidentally ran into Josiah like earlier. The other minute, he could look like a kid that was excited to play his favorite video game.

All that matter to the wheat haired male is that his grades were high enough to get into this school. Even if it was a low privileged middle school that's had to reopen itself as a coed school. Instead, of just being a male-only middle school. Now it was a co-ed school for the boys and girls to enjoy a typical middle school experience.  While he was trying to get excited about going to school. Even though his enemy was attending the same school and his friends seem to think both of them like each other. That statement was not true.

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