Part 1

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Part 1

When the two stepped onto the grounds of their new middle school. Their backpacks filled with school supplies and a box lunch tucked away.

Quinn and Josiah were staring at the loud activities of their peers with twin looks of annoyance. The shouts were echoing around the large front entrance of the school.  A crowd of girls and boys mixed together in three different years.

Each of those peers is chatting with their friends or just playing with their phones. Some were reading on their touchscreen phones or using a tablet. A few were still reading from books. A bit like any other middle school institution filled with children of different needs or circumstances is even present in this lifetime. But with a school funding being cut from the earlier expense that is needed during the school year.

It was only a matter of time before the principal and his vice principal had to come up with other means to help pay for the school expenses. Which meant fundraisers and other events were in store for the future of the two males. Neither seemed to be aware of the events regarding the school problems with getting better funding.

It wasn't like them to actually care. If it didn't concern both of them, then it never gained their attention. Quinn blinked as he turned his attention away from the noisy environment and towards where his older brother is standing beside him with a scowl in place. His eyebrows furrowed as he seemed to be looking toward something with an intense amount of frustration. Even his mouth formed an angry scowl as his eyes were narrowed into slits. His hand was bunched together in a fist.

Josiah had shown signs of being angry towards someone but who? Quinn didn't actually know why he seemed to upset the person. As far he concerned, he could tell that there are underlying issues that are yet to be solved. He sighed before deciding to stop the ongoing mess. A thin but well-maintained hand is lofted from his side towards the taller male. He lifted it and moved with ease to grab the brown haired male.

Once, his hand gained contact with Josiah upper arm. He gripped not and pulled the male towards him. It took a bit of effort on his part since his older brother is taller and heavier than he is. He used what little strength that he has to get the brown-haired male,  to not charge towards the unsuspecting boy. "Don't make a scene on the first day!", He uttered in a strict tone.

The tone of his voice was squeaky considering, Quinn is still going through the changes of his body. It was catching up with his body structure. Though he is a foot shorter than the older male beside him. His body was lean and lanky with a hint of muscle. Even though his structure is covered by the uniform at that moment. It did nothing to hide the features of male as it enhances his appearance. Perhaps that was what caused most girls to find Quinn to be attractive.

He and Josiah were heading into the sixth-grade level. They barely started to actually get comfortable in this new school setting. The black haired male pondered if Josiah hears him or not? 

For the older of the two males, hadn't responded but seeming started to ignore the faceless male who was glaring back at them. The faceless boy seemed to realize that maybe this wasn't time to start a fight. So he turned and left the grassy area and headed towards the stairs with his friends in tow.

His departure left a quiet but intense atmosphere around those involved. Mainly Josiah seemed to be affected by the guy. Quinn is indifferent to the boy and his friends. The ongoing conflict between the villain and the hero is something of a rivalry. Instead, of the name calling and fighting till one was bruised with cuts. Their hostile behavior towards each other had been something more than dislike. Borderline on hate, since the two males had met before.

But the disdain between the hero and the villain is something that could not be fixed that easily.  Quinn would try to fix it. Though he is a side character or better yet a mob character. The ebony haired teen released his grip on his brother as it was obvious that the threat had left. Josiah turned his gaze towards Quinn. An unwavering glare piercing into the side of the younger males face.

Ignoring it cause the younger but more relaxed of the siblings hadn't let anyone get under his skin. He blinked as he rubbed his eyes from the brightness of the sun shining down on him. As the youngest male got used to the light around him.

It's not a well-known fact about Quinn but his eyes are sensitive to the light. He can't exactly adjust to the light like everyone else, he was actually supposed to wear sunglasses when he comes outside. But being late and in a hurry had caused the brown haired male to forget. He rubbed his eyes once more, before opening them.

The sunlight is quite harsh for the male as it caused his eyes to burn from the heat coming off. "Are you okay?", The taller boy asked as he stopped glaring at his brother and his features relaxed into an apathetic expression. It is a habit to keep his emotions in check. Never was it good to let his emotions take over his thoughts? At least, that's what Josiah assumed from what his mother had told him since he was young.

Never allow your emotions to take control. The outcome was never good. He couldn't help but think back to when his mother had told him that phrase. Unlike the first phrase about living freely, the male knew where he heard it from.

It came from the lips of his mother. A woman that seemed to know the consequences of the actions. Consequences that he had yet to learn and comprehend why she would be even told him that. "Yeah. I forgot my specialized glasses.", Quinn uttered as he squinted to see the past the sunlight.

" You don't have back up?"

"No. Mom forgot to pick up them up."

"Oh. Let's just head inside then."

Alas, that just made it worse for the male as the two moved from their spot and headed up the stairs into the institution building.  

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