Part 4

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Part IV

"It's a bit crowded in here," said Quinn as he sat down on in the middle area of the desk with Josiah sitting two seats in front of him. He drummed his fingers against the flat surface of his desk. It being empty of any pieces of paper and a mechanical pencil.  Since it was a few minutes after getting the core class book.

The first period is just an extra thirty minutes to finish homework or catch up on other subject homework. A study session that can help those who need the extra help. It was a dream come true for the slackers and people they forget about their homework until the last minute. Ironically, the reason for the thirty minutes to an hour depending on how long it would take for the announcements to finish and the rest of the time spent like a free period.

"It is is the first day, I doubt anyone wanted to be counted absent since if someone doesn't show for the first day. They are taken off the role sheet and unregistered from the system." The brown haired male with a scowl in place said as he glanced back towards where his baby brother was playing with his fingers.

Rolling his eyes as he noticed how the other male didn't seem to get out any of his supplies. Just stopped moving his hands and turned toward the elder with a dimple like a grin.  Trying to play off his slacking habits since he knew that Josiah would scold him for it. The black haired male found his smile didn't work on the other boy as he seemed to be unaffected by the simple but acutely action. Dropping the act faster than normal.

It would be a while before he could fool the other male. He sighed as his head dropped towards the surface of the desk. Even his hands were laying on either side on the desk. A hopeless expression appeared on his aspect. His eyes traveled around the room flashing an emotion as he waited for this boring period to end. But this boring period would be a daily occurrence that lasted for the next two years.

He and his brother were stuck in this old and rundown place of a school. A rundown middle school with barely in backing among the other schools that these students could have picked from. They chose to attend this school for the next 2 years and hopefully get into a good high school.  If the only male knew what he was getting into when he signed up for this school. Unlike any of the normal middle school's institutional that were all over the world. This one had a secret. One that the two brothers would find out. It was just a matter of time.

"Is that so?" The younger sibling drawled out as he opened his mouth to respond. The indifference in his tone was evident as he showed that he had no care for the rules of this place. This place felt like a prison. Only they could leave this place. At the end of the day, this school would be closed to the students and only the faculty could roam the hallways.

The afterschool activities were somewhere else since this school courtyard and sports behind the place was closed to the students. For reasons of being unsafe for the students and faculty. The current principal and vice principal had made deal with a high school close by.

The students with sports activities after school were packed into a bus and taken to the school to practice for matches and events. "Pretty much. Not that you care since you just wanna nap right?" The chocolate haired male asked as the scowl soon slipped off his face. His words hit the mark as a yawn escapes his baby brothers mouth.

"Yep." The one-word reply was something that the now sleepy male could utter before the drowsiness started to come over him. His eyes closed and his breath soon started to come out at a steady pace. His mouth was opening and closing while his chest rose and fell with each of his breathe.

By those signs, the other boy with the messy charcoal trenches and a gentle smile had fallen asleep in a classroom of peers. The other boy that was Josiah just releases a sigh.  Shaking his head at the other boy's antics before turning his attention towards where the homeroom teacher was sitting at the warren desk.

The person had been hunched over her desk while looking frantically for the roaster sheets. The role call paper has gone missing since she walked through the door. And the matron didn't know if she dropped it in the hallway or left it somewhere. Without it, she could not start the class and the students were taking advantage of the unsuspected actions of a clumsy idiot.

Taking it as a means to play since the homeroom was supposed to start a good five minutes ago. That clumsy fool was still trying to find the missing paper. A panicked expression gracing her face as she glanced around this crowded desk. Papers of different things were laying in an orderly dismayed pile. If she had organized her desk like she was supposed to then maybe the woman would have found the paper lying at the bottom of the pile.

But being in a hurry to get home to watch one of her favorites shows last night left her in the situation that was in at that moment. Not that the evil male would have helped her. The old him would have just watched with a sadistic glint in his eyes seeing her suffer was an enough for him.

The current him is in turmoil having to think if he wanted to lend this matron a hand. It would be the gentlemen thing to do in this situation. Though it came down to him if he wanted to help this lady. Could he found not easy for her? Pretty much. Did he want to? Not really. It isn't his job to help the lady with her career.

One thing that is clear she was quite horrible at it. He sighed as he activated his levitation magic and concentrated on the paper wiggling out from the pile. It continued to move until the edge of it peeked out and moved till it was halfway shown. This motion transpired for another two minutes as the paper shifted back and forth till it was unburied.

Then it lofted from its spot and gravitated towards the matron as her eyes moved towards where she could tell that levitation magic had helped her locate the missing paper. The energy floating around the piece of paper as appeared to be a light golden glow. It moved a bit to the side before moving back to the current position. This continues for another minute before the teacher reached up and grabbed it.

With that, the roll call sheet was filled and the rest of the period was filled with the loud noise of the two brothers plus their peers and the teacher who learned her lesson.

After overhearing a conversation between another pair of students. She decides to organize her mess of papers and read through the messages in her inbox from the principal. It was shaping up to be a semi-normal morning except for the sleeping younger brother and the villain who wanted to read his comic.

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