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- Bonus

"If you could change the roles of this story.  Would you be the hero or the villain? Maybe a side character that only appears on special occasions. There were too many roles and relationships that define these characters. My question for you. Is worth it?", asked a female voice as the sound spread through the quiet room.

"If I could change anything then it would be the part where someone dies. " answered another voice only this time, it held a husky and deep tone to it. The owner of the voice seemed to be sitting in front of the woman. A man leaned forward with his elbows on the table combined with a relaxed expression on his face. His seafoam green irises were taking in the sight of the woman.

The dimming lights hanging from the ceiling created an imagery that was quite to alluring not to be tempted by it. If it was any other man than maybe, they would have fallen for how her actions. But this man was not like any of them. He was an opposition to the thought of all males were identical to each other. There is nothing tempted by this. If anything he was disgusted and wanted to get far away from this woman.

"There is only so much that you can do to stop someone from dying. If it's their time to due then it's their time."

Not liking the answer that was given to him by this woman. The atmosphere around him that was calm and quiet soon changed into a colder but almost icy aura.

Even though his aura had transformed into a deadlier one. There were no clear indications of it. His posture was relaxed and held no signs of irritation.

His elbows had been in the same position as before only this time his hands were clasped together. Inter-locking his fingers together, pressing his palms against each other.  His shoulder hunched forward as his upper part of lean but the sturdy body build.

Covered by the white dress shirt that's crisped and ironed to get rid of the wrinkles brought on by him moving around.

On top of the shirt was his dress jacket in a far blue that could be considered black with dress pants covering his lower region and white socks with sleek dress shoes. That was cleaned and glossed to shine under any type of light.  An appearance of a regular successful businessman.

Even though he was able to climb the corporate ladder, and made it to the top in 5 years. Here he is supposed to be eating with the lady across him as his business associate. The meeting was about a deal between their two companies.

A deal that could be worth millions and reap profit for both of the companies. Sometimes these deals were outrageous and were something else. In moral standards, and immoral standards were neck to neck. It is quite nerve-wracking to be able to work this kind of job. 

Being seen as a weakling is a no-no. In the world of business, it is a competition to be the best to bring the best results. That type of environment left other people working in that place feeling the stress and anger. A place filled with disdain and a toxic environment. Working in such a place had led him to this meeting.

And boy.

How he hated it.

"Is that so? If these children die then we can kiss the authorization from their parent's goodbye.", He responded with a twitch of his left cheek. It irked him how this woman seemed eager to kill these kids.

For someone that claimed to adore kids. Things were not looking good. Especially, since these children are needed to have this deal go through.  It would be their jobs to help both of their business to strive.  It could help the business stand ground against their competitors. With this opportunity at hand.

It would be best not to waste such an option. That was one thing that he knew. As the only reason, to keep this project going in the first place. Another reason to attend this god awful meeting in the first place.

He unclasped his hands from each other and moved his elbows from the table. He then leaned back into his seat and glanced down at the circular plate filled with a roasted chicken with mash potatoes combined into an appetizing dinner. Next to the plate but into between the champagne glass is well taken care of silverware.

Underneath the plate and the silverware, even the cup was a tablecloth. A white, clear through the fabric that hovered around the table. That he shared with the women across from him.

A glittery but seductive smile stretching her lips that's covered by a deep red color. Even the girl teeth are pearly and white.

But why caught the man's attention is probably how she put her makeup on. A light layered amount of foundation and light pink blush on her cheeks combined the rest of her makeup.

It's actually barely there but enough to high light her features. She was a youthful looking female that's a good few years younger than him. Though he was happily married and has two sons. He didn't mind seeing a pretty woman.

But he is quite satisfied with his life and how he ended up. There's nothing else left for him to do. Except find a way to help these kids survive.  He released a sigh before trying to shove that thought away from his mind. His attention should be on the matter at hand.

The woman in front of him wearing a classy but figure-hugging clothing style. A soft creme colored chiffon shirt hugging her curves of the upper part of her body paired off with a black pencil skirt. Even her slim but nice legs were covered by see-through black pantyhose.

At the bottom of her feet covered high heels that the cloth hides from view. The nude colored heels that brought the clothing together are crossed in the space under the shared table. When she heard what the man's words. It made her realize that what they were doing could ruin these kids lives.

So she wisely kept her mouth shut after her earlier blunder. She lifted her left hand and picked up the fork, using her other hand to grasp the knife. Using the fork to hold the meat down while cutting it with the knife into smaller pieces.

Before lifting the fork with the meat towards her mouth. Opening her lipstick covered lips and placing it into her mouth, closing her lips. She chewed the food.  The foods are delicious. With that, the meeting continued on.


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