Chapter 28

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~Photo Of Jr On The Side~

*Jr. P.O.V*

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital with Stacii and Dante on both sides of me waiting for this doctor to tell us about Nikkole. I'm not really stressin myself over it because I'm pretty sure she ok, Nikkole is a strong girl. But I'm more worried about her baby, I know how attached shes gotten to the idea of having a baby over these past months and it would break her heart if she miscarried.

About an hour later a doctor walked into the waiting room, "Family of Nikkole Harris?" He said, all threeof us stood and walked towards him. "thts us." We all said in unison.

"Nikkole and the baby are doing just fine, but she was came really close to having a miscrrage due to stress." We all let out a breath of relief as those words left his mouth. "Can we go see her?" I asked looking back up at him.

"Yes she is in room 124A." We nodded and went to her room. Once we got there and went in she was walking out of the bathroom in the same outfit she wore to school today.

*Nikkole P.O.V*

I was walkingout of the bathroom after getting dressed and Jr., Stacii and Dante were all in my room. "What you doin up and walkin bestfriend?" Dante asked looking at me like I was crazy. "I am not stayin in this damn hospital nd you know tht, I hate hopsitals." I be damned if I stay in this depressing ass hospital.

"You sure you can go home today?" He asked. "Dante, if you ask me one more damn question we gon have to stay here another two hours to make sure you ok after this ass whoppin I'm bout to give you." I said in a joking but serious tone while he just laughed at me. 

"Whatever Nikkole, just remember the doctor said no stressing." 

"Yea whatever, Y'all ready?" I asked looking at all of them as they nodded and we left.

At Home

Me and Prince were supposed to hae a movie night tonight since it's friday night and I don't have school tomorrow but his but already fell asleep and it's only 12:00. I was going to get me somemore popcorn when my phone started ringing.

It was Lexi so I just answered, "Heyy Bae!!" I answered cheerfully.

"Heyy Boo, what happend Stacii told me you went to the hospital today, is my godbaby ok?"

"We're fine it was nothing I guess I was just to stressed, but I'm tired I'll talk to you later."

"Ok Bye"

I hung up and went to the living room and took Prince in my room since I didn't want to lay alone tonight. I took off all my clothes and snuggled up next to him drifting off to sleep thinking about how my life is right about now.

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