Chapter 13

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Symone Anderson

Very soon it would mark 3 hours since Rocky left and I had just got done putting all my stuff together. I actually didn't take 3 whole hours to pack, but it took me so long because I didn't start as soon as he left and even when I did start packing I got caught up with food, TV and my phone.

I'm not even a hard-to-get type of girl because I personally think that shit is corny so I guess the way I act could just be called my personality. I'm honestly kind of excited that I'm staying with Rocky though because for 1 he's just a fun person to be around and 2, I love a change of scenery which I guess is the reason why I moved to New York from Atlanta in the first place.

I would wait until Lyric gets home to share the news but unfortunately she works late tonight so I guess I'd just have to call. I'm not sure when her break is but fuck it, her job is pretty chill. When I picked my phone up, I was receiving a call from "Flackoo🤧." I know I'm a headass.

*FaceTime Call*

The sight of his face made my stomach drop... In a good way. He was currently in the car driving with one hand and his phone in the other.

"Hey, you ready?" His voice is so attractive to me.

"I'm not going," I joked.

"Symone do you know who you playing with?" He questioned, squinting.

"Ain't nobody else here, sooo..."

"Naw but for real, I'm on my way. Imma be there in 15," he said through light chuckling.

"Cute," I said, smiling.

"Nevermind, I'm not coming."

"Rakim, stop. I'm just playing," I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

He laughed, saying, "Ight ma see you in a few."

"Okay," I said before ending the call.

Now I went to call Lyric. It rang 3 times before she finally picked up.

*Phone Call*

"Wassuh luh ho," she said, showing off her Atlanta accent. I can always count on her to make me smile or whatever.

"Hey bitch, I got something to tell you."

"Oh shit, that's sounds serious. Gone head," she encouraged.

"Take a seat cause this is quite the story."


"Okay, so today after work I went to the gas station and saw Rocky. I wasn't really ready to talk to him but of course he stopped me and demanded that I let him apologize. So, I went with him to his car and he told me that Rico would've killed me after the funeral and he'd rather it be him," I explained.

"Awwww! Y'all are so fucking cute. I'm finna cry."

"You such a goof," I said, laughing. "But after that, he said that he owes me and insisted that he either take me shopping or out to eat. I said none and he didn't take no for an answer, so apparently we're doing both tomorrow. I hate him but I'm so fucking happy," I voiced.

"Yeah bitch I don't even know how you said no in the first place, ole independent ass. But continue."

"So I get out and as I'm pumping my gas I see a guy staring at me and I assume it's because I'm cute but wrong, Lyric. When I was at a stop light after leaving the gas station I look behind me and the dude who was staring at me is following me. I wait for a little because I thought I was tripping but I wasn't. I couldn't think of any reason why a random person would be following me other than the fact that I'm slick a target since I was a part of the reason why Justin died, so I decided to call Rocky to see if he could give me any info on it. So, I call, I tell him what's going on, he asks me what the dude looks like. I told him he looked Hispanic and he has colorful dreads, right? Then he's like: oh, that's Rico, which as said before was one of Justin's friends. I start freaking out and Rocky is all calm and shit."

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