Chapter 20: Last Night

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Erin's POV: Tomorrow is the day I get on that plane and get shipped off to London, with Jailen, Jacob, and Andre. My friends and family just left and Hendrick and Zach are helping me clean up. Once we were done, I walked them to the door.

Hendrick: {almost in tears} I don't want you to leave.

Me: I have to. {almost in tears} I'm gonna miss you guys.

Zach: See Erin, {wipes tears}, I'm supposed to be a thug and you making me cry.

Me: {laughs} That just shows you care.

We hugged for a loong time before they left. I was starving and when everyone was here, I didn't eat because I was talking to everybody. I microwaved a burrito I didn't eat from Chipotle. As I was eating, there was frantic knocking at the door. I ran and opened it, and there stood Sarina, mascara running down her face with her suitcases.

Me: Oh my god! What happened?

She just pushed past me and ran up to her room and slammed the door. Well then. I grabbed her bags and brought them upstairs and put them in front of her door. I check my iPhone and Jacob has been posting on instagram making me his WCW {Woman Crush Wednesday} ever since we broke up. People on instagram were commenting on his page calling him a jerk for cheating on me and I've gotten tons of support from Team Mindless {If there still is any LMAO} Roc's been telling me that no one from MB has been speaking to him because of what he did. I decided to call Andre since we couldn't see him today as we planned.

Andre: Hey beautiful :)

Me: Hey, sorry I couldn't hang out today. Family and everything.

Andre: Oh I get it. Everyone was over yesterday. And I have a couple messages for you.

Me: From?

Andre: One is from my mom. She wanted to say that she was going to miss your pretty little face and come visit when we come back.

Me: Aw, she's soo sweet! And the other?

Andre: From... Henaya and the girls.

Me: Oh... well what did they say?

Andre: They wanted to tell you in person.

Me: No, no, no, no, no! I know what they're capable of! They jumped me over 5 times and did horrible things to me!

Andre: They said it's important. Please, just talk to them. Me and Tony will be there if ANYthing happens okay?

Me: {sighs} Fine.

Andre: Good, because we're walking up to your door.

Me: Okay I'll be downstairs in five. The door's unlocked.

Andre: Okay bye.

He hung up and I looks down at my outfit.


1. Neon Floral Crop Top

2. Pink Skirt

3. Neon Floral Snapback {Worn Backwards}

4. White Long Socks

5. Pink Doc Martens

6. Pink Geek Glasses

I just brushed my hair and walked downstairs and all of them: Henaya, Katie, Zoe, and Myion all smiled at me.

Katie: You look so pretty Erin.

Me: {smiles slightly} Thanks Katie.

I sat on the love seat across from them and  folded my hands on my knees.

Me:  So, what are you guys doing here?

Myion: We... just wanted to say that we're sorry.

Zoe: We shouldn't have put you through all that.

Henaya: Yeah, and we feel horrible about it. Could you ever forgive us?

Me: Guys, I don't know what to say. You've put me through hell for two years and now here we all are trying to ask for forgiveness. {laughs lightly} But you know what? YOLO! I guess I can forgive--

All: YES!!!

Me: BUT, I'll NEVER forget!

They all hugged me and wished me good luck and lef. I was walking Andre to the door.

Andre: {strokes my cheek} See you tomorrow on that plane.

Me: Okay. {smiles and hugs}

Andre: And, I know you still have feelings for him.

Me: {shocked} What?

Andre: You've been daydreaming almost the entire time, and you wrote his name on your wrist five minutes ago.

Sure enought, he was right. His name was there surrounded by little hearts. Truth is, I never got over him. He's the first guy I ever loved, I still do.

Andre: Talk to him. Go getcho' man girl! {snaps his fingers}

Me: {laughs} I will! And, Andre.

Andre: Yeah E?

Me: Thanks for being a good friend. I love you :)

Andre: I love you too bestie :p {hugs tightly}

He left and I walked upstairs to finish packing. My room is almost empty execpt for my bed and dressers. I empited the dressers a while ago and took the sheets and covers off my bed. I'm still packing when I hear a knock on my door.

Me: {not looking up; still packing} Come in!

The door opens and Sarina walks in wiping her face. I stop what I'm doing and stare at her.

Sarina: Hey.

Me: Hey. Are you okay because--

She ran into my arms squeezing the daylight out of me crying again. She keeps saying she's sorry as I stoke her hair telling her its okay.

Sarina: Erin, I never should of left like that. I regret it!

Me: Can you tell me what happened?

Sarina: Well the first couple of weeks everything was cool, until her dad... {starts crying again}

Me: {getting angry} What. Did. He. Do.

Sarina: He tried to... ya know.... rape me.

Me: {gasps} Oh my god.

Sarina: Yeah, I got out of there as soon as possible.

Me: Sarina? Get your coat.

Sarina: Why?

Me: Don't worry about it. I've got a couple of calls to make.

I called the only person I could think of. ROC.


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