Chapter 16: Mall & New Look & Drama

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Erin's POV: So, we just arrived at the mall, and me, Sarina, and Jailen are browsing through racks at Forever 21. Jailen and Sarina aren't speaking, so I'm just in the middle of it all.

Jailen: Erin, where did you get your top?

Me: I got it online, why?

Jailen: I just wanted to know, cause I've been trying to find one for the LONGEST.

Sarina: {scoffs and goes back to the rack}

Jailen: Problem Sarina?

Sarina: Yes problem. You're my problem!

Jailen: {smirks} Then deal with it.

Sarina: The only reason I'm tolerating you is for Erin's sake, got that?

Jailen: The saying is mutual. I'm just trying to have a good time, that's all {smiles}

Sarina: You're just hear to torment me! I know you are!

Me: Sarina!

Jailen: Look, E just got out the hospital, and I believe you and Roc got back together, so why hold a grudge? I don't think we should bring up this conversation right now, don't you agree?

Me: I do.

Sarina: {sighs} Okay E. But I STILL don't like you!

Jailen: The feeling is mutual. Erin, I'll be over there so I'll give you guys some bonding time. {walks away}

Sarina: Ugh, thank GOD she's gone. I wanted to punch her in the throat.

Me: Sarina, you said you'd let it go.

Sarina: Soo, you're taking her side?

Me: What? That's not what I'm saying.

Sarina: You know what, just go be with your best friend then. {stomps away}

I groan and just go to the cashier and pay for my items. I look over at Sarina and she just rolls her eyes and pulls Roc away with her. Jailen saw what she did and walked over to me.

Jailen: What's her deal?

Me: At this point, I don't know. {sigh}

Jailen: Just forget about her, this is your day, your doctor said you shouldn't be stressed out.

Me: You know what Jay, you're right. {smiles and hugs her}

We start walking out of Forever 21, Wet Seal, H&M, and Claries when Jacob comes up to me.

Jacob: Hey, you ready to get piereced up?

Me: No! I'm soo nervous.

Jacob: Relax babe {pecks my lips} You'll be fine.

Jailen squeals at us as we laugh. Jacob practically dragged me to the pierce shop. My mom already set up the appointment, so we walked right in and I sat in the chair. Roc, Ray, EJ, Jacob, Prod, Allen, Nate, and Jailen were crowding me. Sarina left to Starbucks. She would -_-

Piercing Guy: Hey, so I'll be ready in 5 minutes. So you're getting 7 ear piercings in each ear, your tongue and belly?

Before I could answer Jacob said 'yes' and the guy nodded and walked away.

Ray: Danng! Erin are you sure you want THAT many?

Me: Positive. But I'm freaking out!

Roc: Relax sis, you'll be fine.

Piercing Guy: Okay, so we're gonna start with your tongue so we're gonna to put this liquid Oragel to numb it.

He put the stuff on my tongue and my mouth instantly felt numb. He put the needle in my tongue and added a temperary pierce in. He then did my belly hole in and t just pinched a little. I was nervous about the ear pierce in. Pretty soon he put them in and they hurt!!

Piercing Guy: Okay Erin, you're all done! You can change your tongue and belly pierce whenever, but don't leave it out for more than 24 hours for 6 weeks, and the same with your ears. Have a nice day.

Roc: Ayee! Your piercings look dope sis!

Jacob: Just like mine {smiles}

We walked to the food court and we saw Sarina making out with some dude. Roc and I walked over and pushed the two apart.

Me: Sarina what the hell is your problem?!

Sarina: Look, mind your damn business Erin okay?

Roc: Are serious right now? Are you kidding me?

Sarina: Roc, c-calm down.

I look at Jacob and he noticed something odd about her.

Me: Sarina, let me smell your breath.

She walks overs ans breathes in my face laughing.

Me: Sarina, you're drunk! C'mon let's go.

The guy that she was lip-locking with grabbed her back.

Guy: She was fine before you came.

Me: That's my sister, so I'm going to need you to back up.

Guy: Ooh, sister? {licks lips} Mami, you looking right in all the right places. You should come back to my place so we

Jacob: Umm, Negro, you must not know who I am.

Guy: Aren't you that dude from Mindless Behavior or something like that?

Jacob: Damn right, and this is my girl, so you're outta luck.

Guy: Mami, why you with this softy man? You need a really nigga.

Jacob: And she got one, so say something else or Imma come over there and smack the shit outta your LeBron hairline looking ass wannabe thug.

Everybody started laughing and the guy just got mad and walked off.

Ray: Damn Jacob, {laughing}

Me: I'm so proud of you papi :) {pecks his cheek}

Jacob: Anthing for Mi Amour' :)

We hugged and dragged Sarina to the car.

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